Services for Students with Disabilities

At 腦瞳憫, the mission of the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) is to promote full and equal access on the part of students with disabilities to educational and extracurricular programs and activities at 腦瞳憫.

腦瞳憫 Academic Policy 811006 regarding Students with Disabilities

Procedures and Process for Accommodations

SSD affords students with disabilities the opportunity to reach their full potential by:

  • Providing academic adjustments and auxiliary aids and services
  • Promoting independence and self-advocacy
  • Making referrals to support services on campus and in the community

SSD seeks to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for students with disabilities by:

  • Building and maintaining partnerships with faculty and staff
  • Promoting disability awareness on campus
  • Providing consultation services and outreach programming on student disability issues for the 腦瞳憫 community

Disability Accommodations

Students requesting disability accommodations for coursework (including on-line) are advised to contact the 腦瞳憫 Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD- see the contact information below). Information on the SSD documentation guidelines and procedures to request services is available at: /dept/disability/

Available Adaptive Technologies

Adaptive technologies are available for use on the part of students with disabilities at several locations on the 腦瞳憫 campus and The Woodlands Center-腦瞳憫. These technologies include assistive listening devices (i.e., FM amplifiers), CCTV video magnifiers, computers with large monitors, and adaptive software packages, such as the ZoomText screen magnifier/reader, the JAWS screen reader, and the Kurzweil 1000 and 3000 scan/read programs.

Testing Procedures for Accommodated Exams

A student's testing accommodations will be indicated on their Classroom Accommodation Request Forms (CARF's) issued by the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD). SSD recommends that students schedule private consultations with their instructors at the start of the semester to present their CARF's and discuss the arrangements for accommodated exams, as well as any other accommodations indicated on the forms. In general, making the necessary arrangements for testing accommodations is a responsibility shared by the student, the instructor, and SSD (see the topics listed below for additional information). Questions or concerns regarding testing accommodations should be addressed to the SSD staff at the Counseling Center (Lee Drain North Annex, telephone 936-294-3512). Topics Addressed Include: Extended Time for Exams, Testing Site with Limited Distractions, Adaptive Technology for Test-taking Purposes

Information on the following services for Students with Disabilities are available on the 腦瞳憫 website at: /dept/disability/. Information about each of the available services below can be accessed by clicking on the link.

Procedures to Request Services

General Documentation Guidelines Rights & Responsibilities

Testing Procedures for Accommodated Exams

SSD Testing Form (PDF)

Requesting Alternative Format Textbooks

Adaptive Technology Available