

Public History Internship Program

Do you want to work for a museum or an historic site after graduation? Is the idea of delivering tours and/or historical interpretation for public audiences appealing? Have you ever wanted to research, design, and implement your own museum exhibit? Have you thought about a career in archives or records management? Are you interested in teaching history beyond the traditional classroom setting?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then the Public History Internship Program may be right for you. Under the direction of Dr. Zach Doleshal, this unique program works to help prepare 腦瞳憫 students for careers in public history. By attending workshops and special events, you will gain insight into preparing a resume, interviewing, and marketing your unique skills. By engaging in one of our Public History courses, you will gain literacy in the fields of public history, memory studies, and historical interpretation. By securing an on-site, for-credit summer internships with one of our regional partners, you will gain practical experience in the field. Students selected for the Public History Internship program receive a $2,000 departmental scholarship to help underwrite their summer tuition.  For more information, contact Dr. Zach Doleshal at zad007@shsu.edu

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