About Phi Sigma Tau Gamma Chapter

Philoúnton Sophían Timé, "The honor of those who love wisdom."
— motto


Phi Sigma Tau is the International Honor Society in Philosophy. Founded in 1930 and incorporated as a nonprofit corporation in 1955, the Society now has a network of over 200 chapters throughout the United States and Canada, at both public and private institutions of higher learning. The purpose of Phi Sigma Tau is to encourage interest and activity among students and to promote ties between philosophy departments in accredited institutions. Phi Sigma Tau publishes a journal, , for student contributions in all areas of contemporary philosophical research. Other PST publications include the (published three times yearly) and the . The PST Newsletter is sent to all students and alumni/ae members and contains news of local chapter activities. The National Alumni Chapter (NAC) provides a medium of exchange and communication for onetime PST members who desire to retain their affiliation with the Society following graduation.


The honor society was founded in 1930 at Muhlenberg College as Alpha Kappa Alpha with chapters in Pennsylvania and Maryland. The society was incorporated as Phi Sigma Tau in 1955 and in 1958 the society was admitted to membership in the Association of College Honor Societies. In 1991 the Society became international with the installation of its first Canadian chapter.


The mission of Phi Sigma Tau is to:

  • To serve as a means of awarding distinction to students having high scholarship and personal interest in philosophy;
  • To promote student interest in research and advanced study in this field;
  • To provide opportunities for the publication of student research papers of merit;
  • To encourage a professional spirit and friendship among those who have displayed marked ability in this field;
  • To popularize interest in philosophy among the general collegiate public.

Chapter Organization

Chapter membership is open to qualified graduate and undergraduate students, teachers of philosophy, and those who qualify as honorary chapter members.  At the national level, the Society has also established a Laureate Chapter (whose members are distinguished philosophers throughout the world) and a National Alumni Chapter (for graduated PST members who wish to continue their affiliation with the Society).


As a student of philosophy, you are invited to join the local chapter of Phi Sigma Tau.
To qualify for membership, you must:

  • have completed 9 hours of philosophy courses by the end of the current semester
  • have maintained a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 in all philosophy courses
  • have achieved a GPA of at least 3.0 in 80% of your total semester credit hours.

Your GPA should be based upon grades received for work at 腦瞳憫 together with any grades transferred from any other institutions. All members receive a subscription to Dialogue, the journal of Phi Sigma Tau, for the duration of their undergraduate study. The cost of the subscription is included in the one-time membership fee. Membership in Phi Sigma Tau will be a mark of your achievement in the study of philosophy and your dedication to the ideals of philosophical inquiry. A one-time membership fee of $25.00 is paid to the international Phi Sigma Tau organization.

The Philosophy Program hopes that you will accept this invitation to membership by completing the application form and setting an appointment with Dr. Tom Meagher (tjm101@shsu.edu) in the Philosophy Program.


Download an application!



For information contact:
Dr. Tom Meagher, tjm101@shsu.edu

