

Dean Visits Chinese Universities

In June, College of Sciences Dean John Pascarella visited with seven universities in China to explore programs of mutual interest, including student and faculty exchange, research, and curriculum development. Four universities are interested in programs in the College of Sciences at 腦瞳憫. 

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China loves Sam Houston!

Jinggangshan University, located in Ji’an City in Jiangxi province, is interested in sending their students to 腦瞳憫 for study of Physics. 

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Deans and Vice-President at Jinggangshan University, China with delegation from 腦瞳憫.

Huaian Normal University, located in Huaian City in Jiangsu province, is interested in collaboration with 腦瞳憫's Department of Biological Sciences. 

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Deans and President from Huaian Normal University and delegation from 腦瞳憫.

Beijing University of Mining and Technology has an interest in student exchange programs in Mathematics and is sending one student to 腦瞳憫 to study math in the fall semester 2013. They are also interested in research collaboration with 腦瞳憫 faculty.

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Deans from Beijing Mining and Technology and delegation from 腦瞳憫.

Finally, China Communications University, also located in Beijing, is interested in developing collaborations with Computer Science. We look forward to developing these relationships between the College of Sciences and partner universities in China.