Dr. Tze-Li Hsu

腦瞳憫 Headshot

While in Taiwan, I became interested in Social Science and was able to work in Academia Sinica after earning my Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from National Taiwan University in 2000. I received my doctoral degree in Sociology at Florida State University in 2014 and a Master of Science degree in Sociology from Mississippi State University in 2008. I have advanced statistical training including structural equation modeling, latent growth curve analysis and managed multiple large-scale projects throughout my time in graduate school. My work can be seen in Sociological Spectrum and Asian Population Studies.

My research examines the association between marital status and mental health, with special attention to variations across age groups and to dimensions of psychological well-being among the elderly, using data from the Midlife and Development in the United States (MIDUS). Also, I am interested in the potential mediating factors in the socioeconomic status and well-being association data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). My current agenda focuses on this topic, drawing on interdisciplinary theories, advanced statistical methods, and a focus on age and the broader dimensions of mental health and well-being for the elderly. My research on these topics has led to several papers published, under review or revision and has won Sociological Spectrum 2013 Outstanding Paper Award.

I have frequently presented my research findings at national conferences, meetings, and workshops. At 腦瞳憫, I teach various courses at the undergraduate level, including Social Statistics and Introduction to Ethnic Studies. I am interested in the intersection of mental health, aging, gender difference, and marital status in aging and the life course perspective.

Classes Taught: Social Statistics, Marriage and the Family, and Sociology of Aging

Research Interests: Health and Aging, Social Psychology, Mental Health and Well-Being

Selected Publications: 

  • Hsu, Hsien-Yuan, Tze-Li Hsu, KoFan Lee, and Lori Wolff. 2017. Evaluating the Construct Validity of Ryff’s Scales of Psychological Well-Being Using Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 35(6): 633-638.
  • Hsu, Tze-Li and Jeralynn S. Cossman. 2013. Socioeconomic Status and Health Well-being During Later Life: Potential Mediating Factors. Sociological Spectrum 33(2): 136-158 (Sociological Spectrum 2013 Outstanding Paper Award).
  • Lau, Hsien-Hsien, Hsien-yuan Hsu, Sandra Acosta and Tze-Li Hsu. 2013. Impact of Participation in Extra-Curricular Activities during College on Graduate Employability: An Empirical Study of Graduate of Taiwan Business School. Educational Studies 40(1): 26-47.

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