

Brig. Gen. Charles A. Miller Jr. (BS ’65)

Brig. Gen. Charles A. Miller Jr. (BS ’65)

Brig. Gen. Charles A. Miller Jr. pic

Charles Miller earned his first U.S. Army rank from ¸£Àû¼§ in 1965, when he was commissioned through the ROTC program as a second lieutenant. In September 2009, he became one of only six ROTC graduates from ¸£Àû¼§ to be promoted to Brigadier General, a significant promotion for an officer, according to David Yebra, current head of the Bearkat Battalion and an Army veteran who served three tours in Iraq. “Fewer than 1 percent of career officers will ever be promoted to a general officer,” Yebra said. “To have a ¸£Àû¼§ ROTC graduate promoted to the rank of Brigadier General is an honor.” Miller, who is now serving as the deputy commanding general and chief of staff of the Texas State Guard, has served in numerous units on active duty, the U.S. Army Reserve, the Texas Army National Guard and the Texas State Guard. He is a graduate of the United States Army Armor, Military Police, Quartermaster Schools, and the United States Army Command and General Staff College. He holds a master’s degree from Southwest Texas State University. Throughout his career, Miller has been recognized with such awards as the Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Commendation Medal, the Army Achievement Medal, the Commander’s Award for Public Service, the Lone Star Distinguished Service Medal, the Texas Outstanding Service Medal, and Texas Medal of Merit. He was also awarded the U.S. Armor Associations Honorable Order of St. George.