

Jerry Hawkins (BS '61)

Jerry Hawkins (BS '61, BS '63)

CLaSSoF1961JerryHawkins pic

“My education at Sam Houston opened the door for my career at Dow Chemical in Freeport where I worked in basic research, epoxyres in research, safety, and quality control coordination globally before finishing my career in analytical analysis for hydroxyl acrylate production and retiring in 1997,” said Jerry Hawkins, who graduated in 1961 with a Bachelor of Science degree and in 1963 with a Master of Science degree, both in Chemistry.

After retiring, Hawkins taught freshman chemistry through Brazosport Community College to laboratory operators at a local industry and did some substitute teaching. He and his wife, Ann, moved to Livingston in 2000.

Hawkins was born in Austin and moved to Galveston as a child, where he grew up. After going to work for Dow Chemical in June 1963, he met his wife. They have two children, Greg (class of 1994) and Heather Williams, along with son-in-law, Frank, and two grandchildren.

Hawkins is a volunteer with the Home Bound Ministry group at the First United Methodist Church in Livingston, builds homes with Habitat for Humanity, and has gone on mission trips to Corazol, Belize, and several other out-of-state places. He worked with the Boy Scouts for approximately 20 years. He started a running hobby in 1990 and, at the age of 71 is still a runner. He ran the Houston Marathon in 2007 and three half marathons before that. His other outdoor activities have included hiking and backpacking in the Grand Canyon, Glacier National Park, canoeing in Canada, and taking many camping trips with the Boy Scouts. Hawkins is a sustaining member of the Alumni Association and has been giving back to his alma mater since 1981. His grandmother, Janie Hoge, attended Sam Houston Normal institute in 1903.