

Jerry W. (BBA '62) and Angela Farris (BS '67) Fannin

Jerry W. (BBA '62) and Angela Farris (BS '67) Fannin

Jerry W. (BBA ?62) and

Jerry and Angela live in Madisonville on a ranch where they moved after retirement. Angela loved writing and always wanted to have something published. Jerry is a freelance photographer, so together they traveled the countryside taking pictures of subjects that portray Texas lore and life. Their efforts have resulted in four books—“Johnnies, Biffies, Outhouses, Etc.”; “Porch Chatter: A Texas Gallery”; “The Complete Unabridged Armadillo Handbook”; and “Between Anvil and Forge (Pictorial Remembrances of the Blacksmith Shop)”—some of which have been featured in television productions about Texas. Jerry and Angela have been the subject of articles in “Country Living” magazine, most recently in the April 2006 issue, which featured their collection of toy spinning tops. Jerry also has an extensive collection of vintage metal toy cars and trucks.