Frequently Asked Questions

Click on a question below to learn more about the topic.

I. Protocol Review

  • How frequently should the IACUC review research protocols?

    The PHS Policy at IV.C.5. states "the IACUC shall conduct continuing review of activities covered by this policy at appropriate intervals as determined by the IACUC but not less than once every three years (3)". The USDA regulations 9 CFR 2.31(a)(5) (4) states "The IACUC shall conduct continuing reviews of activities covered by this subchapter at appropriate intervals as determined by the IACUC, but not less than annually."

  • What do I need to do in order to satisfy the continuing review policy?
  • What is the ¸£Àû¼§ policy of IACUC protocol submissions?

    Since most IACUC submissions are reviewed via Designated Member Review, there is currently no set submission deadline in place. However, if your procedures fall into the USDA pain/distress category E (e.g., Pain or distress or potential pain or distress that is not relieved with anesthetics, analgesics and/or tranquilizer drugs or other methods for relieving pain or distress), your submission will require Full Committee Review. Hence, those IACUC submissions must be received by the ORSP by 5:00 PM on the Monday of the week an IACUC meeting is scheduled to take place.

  • What is the typical timeline for IACUC review and approval?

    Applications are reviewed in the order they are received. The time required for review and approval of an average IACUC application, carefully prepared in accordance with the recommended guidelines, submitted by an applicant who has completed the , is approximately two to three weeks. Full Committee Review (FCR) may take longer depending on when the application is received. Final approval is dependent upon requested modifications, if any, being satisfactorily completed. Many low-risk Animal Use Protocols (AUPs) will be processed by the Designated Member Review (DMR) procedures. Please allow for up to 2 weeks for a typical AUP DMR review and up to 4 weeks for a typical AUP FCR review.

  • Is Post-Approval Monitoring required?

    Yes, post-approval monitoring is required per PHS Policy (Section IV.C.(5) of this )  and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Guide ) .

  • May the IACUC grant conditional or provisional approval?

    No. PHS Policy only allows the IACUC to do the following actions pertaining to protocol review determinations: approve, require modifications, or withhold approval. If the IACUC determines that a protocol is approvable, contingent on receipt of a very specific administrative modification or clarification (e.g., a contact telephone number), the Committee may handle the issue as an administrative detail that an individual (e.g., IACUC Chair or Administrator) may verify. Requests for substantive modifications should result in the protocol coming back to the Committee. Applying descriptors, such as conditional, provisional or interim when referring to IACUC approval is not allowed.

II. Records Retention

  • What records is the IACUC responsible for maintaining?

    The IACUC is responsible for maintaining:

    • minutes of IACUC meetings;
    • records of IACUC attendance, activities, and deliberations;
    • documentation of protocols reviewed by the IACUC and proposed significant changes to protocols, and whether approval was given or withheld;
    • report of semiannual IACUC evaluations and recommendations to the IO; and
    • accrediting body determinations
  • How long are IACUC records to be maintained?

    All records are to be kept for a minimum of 3 years, with the exception of records that relate directly to protocols which must be kept for the duration of the activity and for an additional 3 years after completion of the activity.

    Records documenting such activities as the provision of adequate veterinary care, training, and occupational safety, are expected to conform with the recommendations of the Guide and with commonly accepted professional standards.

III. Adverse Events in Animals

  • What is an animal adverse event (AE)? Animal protocol deviation?

    An adverse event is any occurrence, usually involving pain, distress or death of an animal, which was not described in the approved IACUC Protocol or its subsequent modifications that has a negative impact on animal welfare.  An IACUC protocol deviation is any departure from the methods approved in the IACUC protocol.   Note that the IRB further distinguishes between protocol violations and deviations; however, the IACUC does not.

  • Why should AEs be reported?

    Reporting AEs assists principal investigators, animal care staff and the attending veterinarian to find the cause and to prevent recurrence. Reporting also helps the IACUC meet its federal requirement to monitor animal activities.

  • Who should report AEs?

    PIs and animal facility directors should report to the IACUC as soon as they become aware of an event that may impact animal welfare. An email or phone call is recommended for a preliminary report as soon as possible after the event.  The final report should be made on the official form within 7 calendar days and after consultation with veterinary staff.

  • What qualifies as an AE?

    When in doubt, call the animal facility director or the IACUC to discuss the event. Unexpected events or problems are considered AEs if they affect greater numbers of animals than anticipated, have a negative impact on other animals or activities, or reflect a situation that could become more severe in the future.  A report is not required if the event and its management are described in the approved IACUC protocol.

  • What types of events must be reported?

    The following events must be reported:

    • Morbidity or mortality resulting from complications not described in the IACUC protocol.
    • Greater number of mortalities, more severe responses, or when animals appear to be in more pain or distress than expected/described in the IACUC protocol.  For example, a report would be required, if 10 % of animals die following surgery when a 5% fatality rate was indicated in the approved protocol.
    • Allergic reaction to a treatment; inadequate anesthesia; development of an unexpected infection following surgery or treatment.
    • Facility or equipment failure that has a negative impact on animal welfare. Loss of electrical power impacting HVAC function or water supply; restraint equipment malfunction; biohazard containment failure. Facility design, husbandry or postoperative care that has a negative impact on animal welfare
    • Entrapment; overexposure to heat source(s); inadequate analgesia or antibiotic use.
    • Off-protocol activity, or Protocol Deviation, i.e., any intentional or unintentional use of animals that was not described in the approved IACUC protocol.
  • What events do not need to be reported?

    Injury or illness unrelated to approved procedures and being treated by the attending veterinarian or designee.  Events that are described in the approved protocol that occur at rates that are equal or below the rates indicated in the approved protocol.

  • What information needs to be reported?

    Information required includes the project title and IACUC protocol number; the principal investigator’s name; the date, time, location and nature of the event; measures taken at the time to minimize impact on animal welfare; the actual or potential impact of the event on animal welfare and study outcomes; and immediate and long-term steps being taken or considered to prevent recurrence of the event. The name and signature of the person reporting the adverse event also are required. The aforementioned information should be requested in the Form J—Adverse Event and Protocol Deviation Form, which you must use to submit this report. Click here to find this form.

  • How should reporting of a typical AE proceed?

    See below:

    1. In an emergency, contact a staff veterinarian immediately.
    2. Consult with the animal facility manager to provide any necessary changes in animal care.
    3. Communicate as soon as possible with IACUC by phone or e-mail to inform them of the situation and receive further instruction as appropriate.
    4. Work with veterinary staff to complete this report including a Corrective Action Plan, as needed, and submit it by email to IACUC within 7 calendar days of the event.
    5. The attending veterinarian, or designee, will review the report and seek further clarification or sign off that it has been fully resolved.
    6. The report will be included in the agenda for the next IACUC meeting and the IACUC chair will seek further clarification or sign off that the event has been documented by the IACUC, thereby closing the issue.
  • What will the IACUC do with the report?

    The purpose of AE reporting is to document at the level of IACUC, in accordance with its federally mandated role of oversight, that adverse events have been fully addressed by the research team and veterinary staff as they occur. Timely reporting demonstrates the commitment of the research team to provide the highest quality animal care by engaging all available resources.  A subcommittee of the IACUC will review these reports in detail prior to consideration at a convened IACUC meeting.  Most of these reports will be informational to the full IACUC; others may require further action.  Amendments to approved protocols may be necessary to modify procedures based on knowledge gained from adverse events.   In some cases, it will be advisable for principal investigators to voluntarily halt certain animal procedures until an event is fully addressed.  If adverse events are not appropriately addressed in a timely manner, the IACUC has the responsibility and authority to protect animal subjects with actions up to and including the suspension of approved protocols. Failure to report adverse events is noncompliance with IACUC policy. As official IACUC documents, these reports are subject to Texas open records requests at any time.