Minimum Degree Requirements

Minimum Degree Requirements for the Baccalaureate Degree

Regardless of the degree sought, there are certain minimum requirements. The student is responsible for knowledge of the detailed requirements of the degree selected and any special requirements of the major and/or minor department.


  • Complete a minimum of 128 hours when completing a degree that is filed under a catalog prior to 2008. (Developmental hours do not count towards degree requirements.)

OR for students who have filed a degree under the 2008 catalog, 120 hours must be completed. (Developmental hours do not count towards degree requirements.)

  • Complete 42 advanced hours (3000/4000 level courses from a four-year institution), of which 24 must be "in residence" (taken at 腦瞳憫). Courses taken at a junior or community college do not count as advanced hours regardless of the course number assigned to the course.
  • Complete 12 advanced hours "in residence" from the major department and 6 advanced hours in residence from the minor department.
  • Complete 25% of total required hours for degree in residence (not by correspondence) at 腦瞳憫.
  • Maintain a 2.00 grade point average in the major, the minor, and overall. (Contact the major department for assistance in calculating grade point averages.) (Please note that transfer grades are calculated separately from 腦瞳憫 grades. A 2.00 grade point average must be maintained in 腦瞳憫 course work and the overall combined grade point average for the following: major, minor, and overall.)
    (Some majors and minors require grades no lower than "C" to be earned in their course work, students should make sure of this requirement with their advisors or academic departments.)
  • "In Residence": Correspondence course work does NOT count as "In Residence" course work.

Minimum Degree Requirements for the Masters and Doctoral Degrees Include

(Note: THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE LIST of requirements. Masters and Doctoral students must check with their department chairs/coordinators for complete departmental degree requirements)

  • A student should apply for admission to candidacy to their program at the completion of 15 term hours.
  • A student should submit thesis proposal 14 weeks prior to graduation, if thesis is required for their academic program.
  • A student should complete written and/or oral comprehensive examinations, if applicable. (Graduate Students required to take Comprehensive Examinations must be be enrolled at 腦瞳憫 the term in which they plan to take their examination.)
  • Graduate and Doctoral students should recognize that admission to graduate work does not imply admission to candidacy. The procedure for admission to candidacy involves meeting all requirements for Regular Admission to Graduate Study.
  • All official transcripts must be submitted and required admissions test scores should be on file, in the appropriate department chair's/coordinator's offices.
  • All stem work must be completed.
  • A minimum overall grade point average of 3.0 is required.
  • Petition admission to candidacy, when required by departments.

A graduate student writing a thesis or dissertation must enroll in the appropriate thesis or dissertation course work. Student enrollment in thesis or dissertation must be for the term or summer session in which the student expects to complete the degree. If the degree is not awarded at the end of that term or summer session, re-enrollment in the appropriate thesis or dissertation course will be required during a subsequent term or summer session in which the degree is again expected to be awarded.

A student who enrolls for thesis or dissertation course work and does not complete the thesis or dissertation during the term or summer session of enrollment will be awarded the mark of IP on their transcript (indicating in completion.) A student receiving the IP mark must continue to enroll in the appropriate thesis or dissertation course during regular terms and one summer session until completion of the thesis or dissertation, and must be enrolled in the appropriate thesis or dissertation course during the term the degree is awarded. (If a student is to graduate in the second summer session, enrollment is required in one of the summer sessions but not both summer sessions.)

Certification of Degree candidates

The certification of degree candidates will be completed approximately one week after the commencement date and perhaps into January for the December degree candidates.