
Developmental Education Policies

  1. Each student who is not exempt from the TSI requirements and who has not earned a score to satisfy the college-readiness standard for the TSI Assessment (TSIA), is required to follow a developmental education plan.

  2. To determine if you qualify for an exemption, waiver, or exception from the TSI, please visit the 腦瞳憫 TSI exemption website.

  3. If a student does not meet the requirements for an exemption, waiver, or exception from the TSI, and they have completed the TSI Assessment without receiving a score that meets or exceeds the college-readiness benchmark for any section of the TSI assessment, they will be placed into developmental coursework.

  4. After completing the TSI Assessment, review the TSI  to determine whether your scores have placed you into developmental coursework, or if you are able to begin with freshmen-level courses due to you receiving a college ready status based on your TSI results. TSIA2 results are valid for the purposes of this title for five (5) years from date of testing. 

  5. Students who earn a developmental placement for the reading, writing, or math sections of the TSI will be required to complete a co-requisite course which allows the student to register for an entry-level college class along with a developmental education course which provides additional instructional guidance.

  6. Students who are currently enrolled in the English developmental course (INRW 0014) are allowed to register for one reading intensive course in addition to their ENGL 1301. A list of reading intensive courses can be found here. Please contact the TSI team at TSI@shsu.edu if a student needs a TSI override for one of the courses listed.

  7. Once a student has received credit for completing their developmental education course, the student will be assessed a TSI status of college ready for reading, writing, or math and this will allow the student to begin freshman-level coursework for those subject areas.

  8. Students must enroll and participate in at least one developmental education course each semester until they satisfy all TSI requirements.

  9. Students are not required to remediate during the summer term.

  10. If a student does not complete their developmental course or co-requisite classes successfully, they will be required to meet with their academic advisor prior to registration for the upcoming term.

  11. All students who are not TSI Complete in one or more sections of the TSI (Reading, Writing, and Math) must be advised each term until they are TSI Complete in all areas.


For immediate assistance, please contact the Registrar's Office:

Email: TSI@shsu.edu