Intellectual Wellness

photograph of smiling graduates in caps and gowns

Intellectual Wellness

An intellectually well person:

  • Participates in intellectual and educational activities and hobbies
  • Values and searches for activities that promote mental growth and stimulation

Intellectual wellness encompasses a broad objective of exercising and expanding the mind. Each student that pursues a college education is engaged in intellectual wellness.  Classroom learning enhances intellectual well-being. However, there are other aspects of intellectual wellness that do not occur in the classroom. Intellectual well-being also includes any activity or hobby that stimulates thought, consideration and learning.  Reading, using your imagination, watching or listening to news and educational television shows, pursuing hobbies, developing new skills, crafting and valuing an interest in the arts are some ways to pursue intellectual wellness. 

Academics are substantial to being a college student, but embrace the other activities that Sam Houston State has to offer.  腦瞳憫 provides students with numerous opportunities to pursue intellectual wellness outside the classroom.  For example, Student Activitieshouses a number of student organizations and activities that promote intellectual wellness. The Student Advising and Mentoring Center (SAM Center) provides academic advising and mentoring to all students assisting them in discovering methods to set personal goals, establishing strategies to achieve their objectives, enhancing skills to sharpen academic accomplishments, and providing incentives for realizing educational success.

Use your collegiate experience as an endeavor to develop and test your mind with creative activities. You will then learn to see problems and challenges as opportunities to aid in your personal development.