ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Box 2087, Huntsville, TX 77341 |
ADM 302 |
936-294-1001 |
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs - Dr. Michael T. Stephenson |
ADM 302 |
936-294-1001 |
Senior Executive Assistant to the Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs - Julie Schwab |
ADM 302 |
936-294-1001 |
Vice Provost - Dr. Anne Gaillard |
ADM 302 |
936-294-1006 |
Executive Assistant to the Vice Provost - Ashley Miksch |
ADM 302 |
936-294-1006 |
Academic Budget Officer - DeLynn Say |
ADM 302 |
936-294-1007 |
Director of Faculty Records & Reporting - Jamilyn White |
ADM 202 |
936-294-1024 |
Assistant Director of Faculty Records & Reporting - Dana McAdams |
ADM 202 |
936-294-1078 |
Senior Faculty Records Specialist - Andrea Ball |
ADM 202 |
936-294-1053 |
Director of Academic Communications - Becca Griffin |
ADM 302 |
936-294-1005 |
Director, Transfer Partnerships & Early College Credit - Erica Cushmore |
- |
936-294-1103 |
Associate Provost for Community Engagement - Dr. Ken Hendrickson |
- |
936-294-1031 |
Associate VP for Student Success - Amelia Salazar |
ADM 202 |
936-294-1134 |
Assistant to the AVP for Student Success - Rhonda Owens |
ADM 202 |
936-294-4687 |
Academic Success Center |
Director, Reading Center - Ted Stuberfield |
NGL 208 |
936-294-1709 |
Director, Academic Outreach & Recovery - Austin Dixon |
NGL 208 |
936-294-1327 |
First-Generation Center |
Executive Director - Dr. Kay Angrove |
CHSS 190 |
936-294-3423 |
First-Year Experience - Box 2335 |
Executive Director - Dr. Kay Angrove |
CHSS 190 |
936-294-3423 |
Global Engagement Center - Box 2150 |
Director - Vacant |
FAR 116 |
936-294-4607 |
SAM Center |
Director - Ashley Pruitt |
CHSS 170 |
936-294-4238 |
Career Success Center |
Director - Benjamin Cantu |
AB4 210 |
936-294-3389 |
Faculty Fellow, 2023 - Dr. Deborah Popham |
936-294-1393 |
Academic Scholarships - Box 2120 |
Scholarship Coordinator - Lacey Price |
EST 201 |
936-294-1774 |
- Box 2479 |
Dean - Dr. Kimberly Bell |
AB IV 202 |
936-294-1437 |
Center for Community Engagement - Box 2193 |
Executive Director - Dr. Joyce McCauley |
CHSS 262 |
934-294-4559 |
Director - Dr. Lee Miller |
CHSS 262 |
934-294-4559 |
Department of Military Science (ROTC) - Box 2298 |
Chair - Lt. Col. Joshua Limberg |
AB III 317 |
936-294-1297 |
The Woodlands Center - Box 2087 or 3380 College Park Dr., The Woodlands, TX 77384 |
Executive Director - Carolyn Martinez |
TWC 131E |
936-202-5002 |
The Graduate School - Box 2541 |
Dean of Graduate Studies - Dr. Kenneth E. Hendrickson |
TEMP 104 |
936-294-1031 |
Office of Academic Planning and Assessment - Box 2394 |
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs - Dr. Somer Franklin |
936-294-1009 |
Director of Academic Planning - Dawn Caplinger |
936-294-4156 |
Director of Assessment - Brandi Jones |
936-294-1353 |
- Box 2060 |
Associate VP for Distance Learning & Chief Online Officer - Dr. Bill Angrove |
UPLZ 450C |
936.294.2774 |
Online Finance and Administrative Support |
Coordinator - Kelly Byrd |
UPLZ 450H |
936.294.2687 |
Online Multimedia Services |
Executive Director for Online Media Innovation - Charles Henson |
UPLZ 102G |
936.294.2430 |
Director of Media and Innovation - Nat Conner |
UPLZ 102F |
936.294.2778 |
Online Professional Learning |
Director for Online Professional Learning - Jonathan Kinsey |
UPLZ 420C |
936.294.1187 |
Online Operations |
Assistant Vice President for Online Operations - Dr. Ruth Chisum |
UPLZ 101A |
936.294.2747 |
Director of Online Instructional Development and Support - Jacob Spradlin |
UPLZ 101B |
936.294.3929 |
Director for Course Development - Patrick Smith |
UPLZ 101C |
936.294.2628 |
Director for Online Technology Support Operations - Daniel Walker |
UPLZ 330C |
936.294.2711 |
Research and Sponsored Programs - Box 2448 |
Vice President for Research and Strategic Partnerships & Chief Research Officer - Dr. Chad Hargrave |
TRIES 179E |
936-294-1538 |
Assistant to Associate Provost & Chief Research Officer - Candace Prater |
TRIES 184 |
936-294-6321 |
Director of Research and Sponsored Programs - Clayton Cottle |
TRIES 173K |
936-294-3119 |
Texas Research Institute for Environmental Studies (TRIES) - Box 2506 |
Vice President for Research and Strategic Partnerships & Chief Research Officer - Dr. Chad Hargrave |
TRIES 179E |
936-294-1538 |
Assistant to Associate Provost & Chief Research Officer - Candace Prater |
TRIES 184 |
936-294-6321 |
Directory of Innovation and Collaborative Programs - Dr. Autumn Smith-Herron |
TRIES 179D |
936-294-3788 |
College of Business Administration - Box 2056 |
Dean - Dr. Shar Self |
SHB 100-A |
936-294-1254 |
Associate Dean - Dr. Shani Robinson |
SHB 103-E |
936-294-4241 |
Assistant Dean - Natalie Hegwood |
SHB 103-C |
936-294-4887 |
- Box 2058 |
Director - Rhonda Ellisor |
UPLZ 300E |
936-294-3737 |
Gibson D. Lewis Center for Business and Economic Development - Box 2056 |
Director - Dr. Christian Raschke |
SHB 107 |
936-294-4304 |
PGA/PGM Program |
Director - Richard Ballinger |
SHB 111B |
936-294-4810 |
Department of Accounting - Box 2056 |
Chair - Dr. Philip Morris |
SHB 302-B |
936-294-1259 |
Department of Economics and International Business - Box 2118 |
Chair - Dr. Mark Tuttle |
SHB 232-A |
936-294-1386 |
Department of General Business and Finance - Box 2056 |
Chair - Dr. Tommy Robertson |
SHB 201-B |
936-294-1287 |
Department of Management and Marketing - Box 2056 |
Chair - Dr. Gerald Kohers |
SHB 233-A |
936-294-1255 |
- Box 2296 |
Dean and Director - Dr. Phillip Lyons |
CJC A-254 |
936-294-1635 |
Senior Associate Dean - Dr. Danielle Boisvert |
CJC A-255 |
936-294-1644 |
Associate Dean for Faculty Development- Dr. Randy Garner |
CJC Hotel 221 |
936-294-4646 |
Associate Dean for Program Development - Dr. Janet Mullings |
CJC Hotel 216 |
936-294-3967 |
Department Chair, Criminal Justice & Criminology - Dr. Bill Wells |
CJC A-204 |
936-294-4817 |
Department Chair, Forensic Science - Dr. Sheree Hughes |
CFS 221H |
936-294-2608 |
Department Chair, Security Studies - Dr. Nadav Morag |
CJC C-103 |
936-294-4128 |
Office of Comparative and International Education and Leadership |
Director - Doug Dretke |
Project Coordinator - Patricia Macias - Fisher |
- Box 2417 |
Director - Dr. John M. Ray |
LEMIT 323-C |
936-294-1679 |
- Box 2296 |
Director - Christie Haney |
CJC A-163 |
936-294-3757 |
Crime Victims Institute (CVI) - Box 2180 |
Director - Dr. Mary Breaux |
CJC A-175B |
936-294-4896 |
Director - Michael Aspland |
CJC B-108 |
936-294-1677 |
Center for Innovation, Technology, & Entrepreneurship |
Director - Pam Zelbst |
SHB 236-H |
936-294-3840 |
Director - Robert Milner |
- Box 2296 |
Executive Director - Michael Aspland |
B-108 |
936-294-1677 |
College of Education - Box 2119 |
Dean - Dr. Stacey Edmonson |
TEC 216-B |
936-294-1237 |
Associate Dean of Student Success and Partnerships - Dr. Helen Berg |
TEC 102B |
936-294-4633 |
Associate Dean for Academic Assessment & Accountability - Dr. Casey Brown |
TEC 216F |
936-294-4287 |
Associate Dean of Academic Administration and Enrollment - Dr. Abbie Strunc |
School of Teaching and Learning - Box 2119 |
Chair - Dr. Kristina Vargo |
TEC 274A |
936-294-4099 |
Department of Educational Leadership - Box 2119 |
Chair - Dr. Eric Platt |
TEC 319M |
936-294-3705 |
Department of Counselor Education - Box 2119 |
Interim Chair - Dr. Kimberly McAlister |
CEC 130 |
936-294-3410 |
Department of Library Science - Box 2236 |
Chair - Dr. Holly Weimar |
AB IV 431-A |
936-294-1150 |
C.A.R.E.S. - Box 2530 |
TRIES 171 |
936-294-1875 |
College of Arts and Media - Box 2393 |
Interim Dean, College of Arts & Media - Dr. Mia Long Anderson |
GPAC 190D |
936-294-2770 |
Associate Dean - Dr. Penelope Hasekoester |
GPAC 284J |
936-294-1330 |
Associate Dean - Dr. Michael Henderson |
GPAC 190H |
936.294.1318 |
Department of Art - Box 2089 |
Chair - Mr. Michael Henderson |
ART F 103 |
936-294-1314 |
Department of Dance - Box 2269 |
Chair - Jennifer Pontius |
GPAC 150K |
936-294-1300 |
Department of Mass Communication - Box 2207 |
Chair - Mr. Wojciech Lorenc |
DRCB 123 |
936-294-4419 |
School of Music - Box 2208 |
Chair - Dr. Scott Plugge |
MUS 225 |
936-294-1958 |
Department of Theatre and Musical Theatre - Box 2297 |
Chair - Mr. Thomas Prior |
UTC 111 |
936-294-1350 |
College of Humanities and Social Sciences - Box 2509 |
Dean - Dr. Chien-pin Li |
CHSS 290 |
936-294-2200 |
Senior Associate Dean - Dr. Leif French |
CHSS 290G |
936-294-2203 |
Associate Dean - Dr. Carroll Nardone |
CHSS 290H |
936-294-2455 |
Associate Dean - Dr. James Crosby |
DRCB 322B |
936-294-1516 |
Department of Communication Studies - Box 2299 |
Chair - Dr. Frances Brandau |
CHSS 410R |
936-294-1356 |
Department of English - Box 2146 |
Chair - Dr. Jacob Blevins |
EV 458 |
936-294-1404 |
Department of History - Box 2239 |
Chair - Dr. Brian Jordan |
AB IV 441A |
936-294-4460 |
Department of Political Science - Box 2149 |
Chair - Dr. Jason Enia |
CHSS 490B |
936-294-1467 |
Department of Psychology and Philosophy - Box 2447 |
Interim Chair - Dr. James Crosby |
CHSS 390C |
936-294-3052 |
Philosophy - Box 2447 |
Department of Sociology - Box 2446 |
Chair - Dr. Jason Konefal |
CHSS 270Y |
936-294-1515 |
Department of World Languages and Cultures - Box 2147 |
Interim Chair - Dr. Maria Barker |
AB-IV 431 |
936-294-1441 |
College of Science and Engineering Technology - Box 2209 |
Dean - Dr. Melinda Holt |
LDB 200-A |
936-294-1230 |
Interim - Associate Dean - Dr. Dustin Jones |
LDB 200-H |
936-294-1945 |
Associate Dean - |
LDB 200-J |
936-294-xxxx |
School of Agricultural Sciences - Box 2088 |
Chair - Dr. Doug Ullrich |
PIRK 400F |
936-294-1188 |
Engineering Technology - Box 2088 |
Chair - Dr. Faruk Yildiz |
PIRK 400G |
936-294-3774 |
Department of Biological Sciences - Box 2116 |
Chair - Dr. Aaron Lynne |
LSB 105 |
936-294-1544 |
Department of Chemistry - Box 2117 |
Chair - Dr. Donovan Haines |
CFS 317-A |
936-294-1530 |
- Box 2090 |
Chair - Dr. Bing Zhou |
AB1 214-A |
936-294-1569 |
Department of Environmental and Geosciences - Box 2148 |
Chair - Dr. Pat Harris |
LDB 300-B |
936-294-1452 |
Department of Mathematics and Statistics - Box 2206 |
Chair - Dr. Dustin Jones |
LDB 420-A |
936-294-4859 |
Department of Physics & Astronomy - Box 2267 |
Chair - Dr. Joel Walker |
FAR 204-D |
936 294-4803 |
- Box 2179 |
Executive Director of Library Services - Mr. Eric Owen |
NGL 207-B |
936-294-1612 |
College of Health Sciences - Box 2301 |
Dean - Dr. Ryan K. Zapalac |
LDB 201 |
936-294-2392 |
Associate Dean - Dr. Jennifer Bunn |
LDB 201 |
936-294-2393 |
Assistant Dean - Dr. Christine Cardinal |
CHSS 432G |
936-294-2735 |
Department of Public Health - Box 2194 |
Chair - Dr. Ray Newman |
CHSS 432C |
936-294-3454 |
Department of Human Sciences - Box 2177 |
Chair - Mr. Ronald Reed |
MLHB 119C |
936-294-2481 |
Department of Kinesiology - Box 2176 |
Chair - Dr. Jennifer Didier |
LDB 107D |
936-294-1169 |
School of Nursing - Box 2396 |
Director - Dr. Devon Berry |
TWC 440B |
936-202-5101 |
College of Osteopathic Medicine |
Dean - Dr. Thomas Mohr |
COM 315C |
936-202-5227 |
Assistant Dean - Dr. Craig Boudreaux |
COM 315E |
936-202-5231 |
Senior Associate Dean - Dr. Robert Suter |
COM 315F |
936-202-5219 |
Associate Dean - Dr. Courtney West |
COM 315P |
936-202-5257 |
Assistant Dean - Dr. Gretchen Holmes |
COM 315G |
936-202-5236 |
Associate Dean - Dr. Dennis Rau |
COM 315H |
936-202-5237 |