Dean's Office

Associate Deans

Dr. Helen Berg
Associate Dean of Student Success and Partnerships
Dr. Casey Brown
Associate Dean for Academic Assessment & Accountability
Dr. Abbie Strunc
Associate Dean for Academic Administration & EnrollmentAssistant Deans

Dr. Maribeth Jorgensen
Assistant Dean of Research, Associate ProfessorDepartment Chairs

Dr. Kimberly McAlister
Interim Chair of Counselor Education
Dr. Eric Platt
Chair of Educational Leadership
Dr. Holly Weimar
Chair of Library Science and Technology
Dr. Kristina Vargo
Chair of School of Teaching and LearningStaff

Jessica Sides
Assistant to the Dean
Shelie Coulter
Director of Recruitment & Retention
Erika Sutton
Administrative Coordinator I, Travel and Disbursements
Nicole Boston
Administrative Coordinator II, Purchasing and Operations
Noah Williams
Digital Creative Specialist
Lidia Gutierrez
Communication & Recruitment CoordinatorDean's Office Units
The overall goal of the College of Education Operations (COE) is to strategically align college-wide activities regarding budgetary decisions, communications and marketing, event services, travel, purchasing, and facilities management with department-level, college-level, and university-level strategic initiatives and goals.
The College of Education Communications Hub promotes the mission, vision and values of the college while strengthening our brand and elevating our position in the market. Our office serves as a liaison between the college and multiple university offices.
Event Services
The purpose of the College of Education Event Services is to provide support and direction for all college events.