Commencement Spotlight: Oriana Encarnacion Jaramillo
Commencement Spotlight: Ron Rawls
ATMAE Poster:"Building Future: Empowering Underrepresented Youth through STEM Summer camp" won the best poster award in faculty category at the ATMAE Annual Conference held in Las Vegas, NV October 27-31 , 2024. Dr. Yang Euijin led the effort for the poster presentation. Dr. Iftekhar Basith served as the PI for the TWC grant, and Dr. Euijin Yang served as the CO-PI. There were three other faculty members who contributed during the actual camp in June 2024.
Bearkat Internships: Connor Brett
Construction Management Students Honored In Hard Hat Ceremony
Students Spearhead Innovative VR Collaborations
Congratulations! Dr. Iftekhar Ibne Basith, Associate Professor in Engineering Technology at 腦瞳憫 has received the following external grants for the academic year 2024-2025.
ETEC Summer Camp 腦瞳憫, $72,136, the Governors Summer Merit Program at Texas Workforce Commission (TWC).
Development of a Smartphone based App, powered by Artificial Intelligence-based Pest Detection, $62,00, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA-APHIS PPA).
Development of an Agricultural Bio-security Curriculum in Texas Ag Science classrooms through teacher education/outreach, national integration into 4-H program and aims of extension into Southeastern United States, $71,280, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA-APHIS PPA).
Bearkat Internships: Dillon Gathright
Four 腦瞳憫 Research Teams Awarded First BRIDGE Program Grants
Bearkat Orgs: SWEET
Entergy Texas Partners With 腦瞳憫 To Expand EV Access
Commencement Spotlight: Kenyon Whiting
Commencement Spotlight: Brandon Fierro
Commencement Spotlight: Y Luong
Dr. Basith wins Outstanding Student Organization Advisor Sammy Award April 2022
Engineering Technology Dept. Hosts Tesla Guest
Read all about this story HERE!
Construction Management Graduate Colton Cowser Drafted by Orioles
Read all about this story !
Congratulations to ETEC Construction Management Students!
Krishna Massey received the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) of Greater Houston Scholarship.
Melanie Monejano received the Associated General Contractors (AGC) of Greater Houston Patrick J. Kiley Excellence in Leadership Scholarship and the ABC of Greater Houston Scholarship.
Luis Hernandez received the AGC Houston Patrick J. Kiley Excellence in Leadership Scholarship and the AGC of America Education and Research Foundation James D. Pitcock, Jr. Scholarship.
腦瞳憫 VR Club Trade Show
The VR Trade Show held on Mon. Feb. 8th gave students a tour of the newly developed VR Lab and allowed them to try out the equipment first hand. Design Engineering Technology students and 腦瞳憫 VR Club members were able to showcase their projects, including one in partnership with NASA's H.U.N.C.H Program!
The 腦瞳憫 VR Club is a new student organization that recently celebrated its one year anniversary & is open to all majors.
Click here to find out more about the 腦瞳憫 VR Club.
Engineering Technology Faculty Member Recognized with Kudos and Thanks Award
Congratulations to Dr. Mahdi Safa!
For more information on the KATA please click here