
Restoration and 18th-Century British Literature


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The degree candidate is responsible for having read all of the following works:


Joseph Addison and Richard Steele. Selections from The Spectator Papers

Aphra Behn. Oroonoko

James Boswell. Selections from The Life of Johnson

Edmund Burke. Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful

Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe or Moll Flanders

Olaudah Equiano. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano

Henry Fielding. Shamela, Joseph Andrews

David Hume. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding: Section X, Parts I-II (“Of Miracles”)

Samuel Johnson. Rasselas, Selections from The Rambler

John Locke. An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding: Book II, Chapter I (“Of Ideas in general, and their Original”); Book IV, Chapter XIX (“Of Enthusiasm”)

Samuel Pepys. Selections from The Diary

Ann Radcliffe. The Mysteries of Udolpho

Samuel Richardson. Pamela

Laurence Sterne. Tristram Shandy

Jonathan Swift . “A Modest Proposal,” Gulliver’s Travels

Horace Walpole. The Castle of Otranto

Mary Wollstonecraft. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: Chapter 2; Chapter 9; Chapter 13, Section 6


Aphra Behn. “The Disappointment”

Samuel Butler. Hudibras: Book I, Canto I

John Dryden. “MacFlecknoe,” Absalom and Achitophel

Oliver Goldsmith. “The Deserted Village”

Thomas Gray. “Elegy Written in a Country Church-Yard”

Samuel Johnson. “The Vanity of Human Wishes,”“London”

Bernard Mandeville. “The Grumbling Hive; or, Knaves Turned Honest” (from The Fable of the Bees: Or, Private Vices, Publick Benefits)

Alexander Pope. “An Essay on Criticism”; “The Rape of the Lock”; An Essay on Man: “Epistle I”; The Dunciad: “Book the First”

Jonathan Swift , “A Description of the Morning,”“A Description of a City Shower,” “Cassinus and Peter,” “Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift”

John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester. “A Satyr Against Mankind”


Any Restoration Comedy. Suggested: William Congreve, The Way of the World; George Etherege, The Man of Mode; William Wycherley, The Country Wife

John Gay. The Beggar’s Opera

Oliver Goldsmith. She Stoops to Conquer

A candidate may also submit a list of readings to supplement, but not replace, the readings from the core list above. The supplementary list should be submitted for approval with the declaration of intent to take the comprehensive examination form.

*Rev. 1 August 2014

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