Student and Faculty Research

Research Grant Program

The College of Health Sciences (COHS) provides several competitive grants for faculty and students to carry out research, scholarship, and creative projects. These grants support faculty and students’ research endeavors from design through peer-reviewed dissemination (e.g., conference presentation, journal article, external grant submission). Annual appropriation of available funds depends on the number of applications received. COHS tenure-track faculty receive priority in fund allocations.

The Associate Dean for Research and selected COHS faculty will review the grants and make final determinations for distribution of funding. All applicants will receive comments about their grant application within 30 days of the submission deadline.

Available Grants

 – This grant provides support for the development and implementation of research and creative projects. Grant proposals are due on October 1st. Please see the documents below for submission resources.

– This grant will provide funds needed for students to conduct a supervised research project or attend a conference to present their research. Grant proposals are accepted on a rolling basis. Please see the documents below for submission resources.

Building a Research Community

Misery loves company, so let’s do our writing and research together. Connect with other COHS faculty and graduate students for virtual research work time. These sessions are intended to help faculty schedule their research time and provide accountability with other faculty. Please reach out to Dr. Jennifer Bunn at to join in the fun.

University-wide are also available. Please feel free to join their groups as well.

Other campus resources include:

Research Center

The College of Education (COE) and COHS have partnered to provide research consultations and professional development opportunities for faculty and students through the Research Center. FREE methodological consultations are available for qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods approaches. Schedule a consult through the Research Center website or contact Dr. Jennifer Bunn ( if you would like to have staff from the Research Center come speak with your class about services.

The Research Center will also be providing monthly online workshops for faculty and students. Workshops will vary in topics from research time management, working with the institutional review board, using artificial intelligence in your research, writing skills, framing the research questions, statistics, utilizing university support services, grant writing, enhancing the impact of your research, and positioning your paper for a journal to name a few. Be sure to watch for details for these events in the COHS newsletters.


To learn more about the COHS Research Community Team and Faculty Workshops, please reach out to Dr. Jennifer Bunn at