Annual Awards

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS) wishes to recognize sustained outstanding achievements of its faculty and staff in areas critical to the mission of the college. Faculty and staff are encouraged to nominate their CHSS colleagues for the awards listed below:

  • Excellence in Teaching (Tenured and Tenure-Track)
  • Excellence in Teaching (Non-Tenure Track)
  • Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Accomplishments*
  • Excellence in Service*
  • Excellence in Community Engagement*
  • Excellence in Staff Performance

Full-time faculty and staff members who have completed three years of employment at 腦瞳憫 are eligible for nomination. Self-nomination is not permitted. Nominations, due before February 28, needs to include reasons why the nominee deserves this award (a maximum of 300 words).

Each nominee will be contacted. If willing to be considered for the award, the nominee will submit a statement (maximum 1000 words) with supporting materials (in pdf format, no more than 10 pages) to document their accomplishments of the last three years by April 1. A CHSS Award Selection Committee, consisting of one faculty member from each department, will review the statements and supporting materials and make recommendations to the Dean. Awards are presented at the CHSS Fall Kick-off Forum. Each award is complemented by a monetary award of $1,000. CHSS award recipients may be eligible again for the same award after three years.

* For tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure track faculty.

CHSS Annual Awards 2023: Back: Dean Chien Pin Li, Dr. Ben Park, Dr. Brian Jordan, Front: Dr. Frances Brandau, Sarie Fuller, Dr. Jennifer Child, Dr. Jadwiga Biskupska

Excellence in Teaching (Tenured and Tenure-Track)

Dr. Jadwiga Biskupska, History

Dr. Ben Park, History

Excellence in Teaching (Non-Tenure Track)

Dr. Jennifer Child, English

Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Accomplishments*

Dr. Brian Jordan, History

Excellence in Service*

Dr. Frances Brandau, Communication Studies

Excellence in Staff Performance

Sarie Fuller, Former Assistant to the Chair of English