Description of a Directed Study: MCOM 4099

A Directed Study is a course in the MCOM program where a student engages in independent research under the guidance of a faculty member. Students may choose to undertake a Directed Study for the following reasons: 1) to explore an area in-depth that was covered more generally in a course, or 2) to explore a topic not typically included in the curriculum. In either case, it is the student's responsibility to define the topic clearly and to gather sufficient information to ensure its worthiness for independent research.

Creating a Directed Study Proposal: Student and Supervising Faculty Member

  1. Contact a Faculty Instructor: Reach out to the faculty members who can oversee your Directed Study and work with you to develop a tailored plan for your project.
  2. Draft Your Proposal: Write a working draft of the Directed Study proposal so that you can incorporate any revisions suggested by your instructor into the final contract.
  3. Determine Time Commitment: Decide how much time will be devoted to the Directed Study. Remember, this course is worth three credits. Include meetings with your supervising faculty member, an appropriate amount of reading and research, and an appropriate number of written pages.
  4. Identify Key References: Compile a list of key references, such as books, journal articles, or other sources relevant to your project.Arrange a Meeting: Schedule a meeting with your supervising faculty member. This meeting is crucial for developing a clear, explicit course completion plan. Discuss topics such as supervision, a tentative list of references, research materials, and assignments to be completed. Typically, the work will include a major paper or production or a series of papers or productions.
  5. Obtain Necessary Signatures: Once your proposal is finalized, obtain signatures from your instructor and the department chair, where you will earn credit. Submit the signed Directed Study contract to the department secretary's office to clear for registration.

Notes on deadlines: Directed Study contracts must be submitted during the registration period for the term in which the Directed Study will occur.

It is important to allow yourself enough time to develop a comprehensive and academically rigorous Directed Study proposal. You should begin thinking about your Directed Study during the semester prior to your anticipated registration. It is not recommended that you begin creating a proposal once the semester has already begun.

Directed Study Contract

Directed Study Contract