Grammar Module
MCOM Grammar Lab Information
Students who declare any major or minor in the Department of Mass Communication at 腦瞳憫 will be required to complete the MCOM Online Grammar Competency Lab and pass either the Grammar Assessment Quiz or the Final Grammar Quiz with a score of 80 percent or better before they will be accepted into the program.
Students who have not completed this requirement will be automatically blocked from registering in upper-level MCOM courses.
There will be no exceptions to this policy.
Students who declare a major or minor in MCOM, including AG/COMM or the ED/MCOM double major, will be automatically enrolled in the Lab and will continue to be automatically registered in the Lab in subsequent semesters until the requirement is fulfilled.
The deadline to complete testing is the final class day of each semester. This is a hard deadline that cannot be extended.
Transfer Students
All transfer students are required to fulfill this requirement and will not be allowed to register for any other upper-level classes in the program until they have completed the Lab requirement. Transfer students should consult with their advisers to ensure they are properly enrolled in the Lab before their first day of classes.
NOTE: Transfer students who have completed a Grammar Lab at another college or university will be required to complete the Grammar Lab at 腦瞳憫.
Lab Fees
The Online Lab is offered free of charge to all 腦瞳憫 students. Enrollment in the Lab includes a one-time, 14-day free trial, allowing students to complete their requirements without having to purchase access. Once the 14-day trial ends, students will be required to purchase a Lab Access Code at an online cost of approximately $40. This purchased Access Codes grants students access to the Grammar Lab for five months.
Testing Scores
Passing scores will be recorded with the registrar and will become part of the student’s permanent records at 腦瞳憫. Scores in the Lab and testing scores will have no impact on students’ GPA or academic standing.
The processing of test scores typically takes between three to seven days. There is no way to speed up this process, and volume may cause delays. Students are encouraged to be proactive and test early to ensure timely registration for their classes.
MCOM students who want to improve their grades on the Final Quiz or boost their grammar skills may gain access to the Grammar Lab at any time by asking Dr. Ryan Broussard ( that they be added to the Lab.
If you need accommodation on the Grammar Module due to a disability, please contact the 腦瞳憫 Services for Students with Disabilities Office at or 936-294-3512. You can also find information on the office’s website.