Silke Bugge

Silke Bugge is a Lecturer of German. She was awarded a master’s degree in German Language and Literature and English Language and Literature at the Humboldt University in Berlin, with an additional focus in education. Her Master thesis was focused on teaching world literature and presenting approaches to answering the question how world literature can and should be taught in public school settings.

She has gained a lot of experience in teaching English and German as a foreign language on different levels and for different age groups.

She specializes on language acquisition in a communicative setting connecting the lessons to universal and global cultural issues.

She had joined 腦瞳憫 in August 2016 and had taught Elementary and Intermediate German and served as an advisor for the German Club for several semesters.

She is a member of the Texas Foreign Language Association, the Delta Phi Alpha (German National Honors Society), and taught courses at the German Institute of the Southwest and at the Houston Sängerbund.

Silke Bugge is a specialist of German Studies who focuses on nineteenth- and twentieth-century language and culture; which is manifested in her interest in the two linguists Ernst Bloch and Victor Klemperer.

She is also committed to research topics regarding pedagogy and multiculturalism in German textbooks.

Research Interests

Das Lied – how does the musical format of a song reflect social issues throughout Germany’s history

Ernst Bloch- abstract and concrete utopia-is there hope for the world today?

LTI-Victor Klemperer-language as historical artifact

East Germany – cultural and individual perspectives

Second Language Acquisition


An attempt to escape over the Berlin Wall – October 2016
Delta Phi Alpha German National Honors Society Symposium – April 2017
From East Germany to East Texas – 腦瞳憫 German Club- December 2017

Courses Taught

German 1411: Elementary German I
German 1412: Elementary German II
German 2311: Intermediate German I