How To Get Started

  1. Start by talking with faculty you know. Talk to current and past professors from courses you have done well in and have enjoyed. Even if the professor is not currently seeking an undergraduate researcher, he or she may know of colleagues that are seeking assistants within your discipline.
  2. Consult an academic advisor from your department to inquire about faculty members currently conducting research or creative activities in your discipline.
  3. Consult this listing of 腦瞳憫 faculty mentors seeking undergraduate students to assist them in ongoing projects. This list is not comprehensive. There are many other faculty members on campus engaged in research and creative activities, but this list can get you started.
  4. Read the faculty profiles from your home department. This is perhaps the best way to learn more about what types of research, scholarship, or creative activities are typical in your field, and it will assist you in determining what type scholarly activities interest you. For those interested in traditional research, many faculty web pages list some of their scholarly publications. It is a good idea to read some of these if possible.
  5. Talk to other undergraduates in your major who are currently engaged in research or creative activities. They can let you know how they got their foot in the door.