Drop-In Advising Sessions (Virtual and In-Person)

The SAM Center is here to assure that you are taking the right steps to succeed in your educational journey. As always, your success is very important to us. To help accommodate a large volume of advising appointments, we have started Drop-in Hours.

When are these sessions?

  • Wednesdays 10am-12pm and 1-4pm (CHSS 170 and on Zoom - link below)

How do I access a session?

You can access virtual drop-ins by joining our during the above dates and times.

Or, you can come in-person to the SAM Center, during the above dates and times. We are located in the College of Humanities & Social Sciences Building (CHSS), suite 170.

Can't make the drop-in advising sessions? Check your Smart Plan, Degree Works, or email your advisor with your questions.

Other Resources

Questions about financial aid status or eligibility? Contact Financial Aid at 936.294.1774

Questions about career path, options, and graduate school? Contact Career Success Center at 936.294.1713 or careersuccesscenter@shsu.edu

If you need to change your major, please email your advisor, or join one of our drop-in sessions, to discuss the process in more depth.

View our calendar to see upcoming events that may impact you and your course selections!

Follow our social media pages to get advising reminders throughout the semester. Never miss a critical deadline again!