Sophomore Year
Do I Still Need Advising?
That all depends on several factors (e.g., GPA, academic standing). Double Check just to make sure. However, even if you don't NEED to be advised, you can always see your advisor if you WANT to be advised.
Has My Advisor Changed?
That's a great question. Like any workplace, people leave and new people are hired. Check out the Who's My Advisor? webpage and select your major to find out.
Visit the About Us webpage to learn who currently advises at the SAM Center.
Do I Still Need An Appointment?
Yes. Appointments are the best option, but we do have limited walk-in availability - first come, first served.
If you don't remember how, go to the How Do I Get Advised? page for instructions.
If you feel confident, log into and get started.
Learning Is Challenging!
Well of course it is. If you already knew the material, why would you be seeking a higher education? Check out some of the Resources available and don't forget to ask your professor questions.
But What About...
腦瞳憫 has over 80 undergraduate majors and even more minors that you can combine to create your personalized degree path. Click on the link and explore the at 腦瞳憫 (be sure to click the Undergraduate Level to remove graduate degrees from your view).
Globe Trekking
See the world, broaden your horizons, and earn college credit while you do it. Look into Study Abroad.
Who Wants Money?
Don't forget to update your Financial Aid information, apply for free scholarships through , and reach out to the Student Money Management Center to learn how to avoid debt.
Try Something New
It's never too late to try something new. See what's out there in Student Activities.
If you have more questions, just skim through the Frequently Asked Questions and you may find your answer. If not, ask your advisor during your appointment.

View our calendar to see upcoming events that may impact you and your course selections!
Follow our social media pages to get advising reminders throughout the semester. Never miss a critical deadline again!