Orientation FAQ

  • Accepted for the Fall 2025 semester, what should I do?

    Orientation registration opens February 2025. All incoming students will receive a personalized orientation registration link through your 腦瞳憫 Student Email and via text. Please email orientation@shsu.edu with any questions or concern regarding your registration information.

  • Is Orientation Mandatory?

    Orientation is mandatory for all incoming students who have graduated from high school within the 2024-2025 academic year. Students graduating from high school prior to May of 2024 are not required to attend orientation but strongly encouraged. Students and families will have the opportunity to interact with Orientation Leaders and various campus partners.

  • I can’t pay for Orientation right now, what can I do?

    If you cannot pay for Orientation, our office offers fee deferments. The deferred fee can only apply to the student fee (not guest fees) and will appear on the following semester fee statement. When you submit your Orientatoin registration you will be able to select a fee deferment at that time.

  • Is there a limit to the number of guests I can bring to Orientation?

    Due to room and building capacity limits, and to ensure that all incoming Freshman students have an opportunity to attend Orientation (as it is a requirement), students are able to bring a maximum of two (2) guests, so long as they are registered. The orientation guest fee is $30 per guest.

  • Will a virtual option be available?

    A virtual orientation is available for incoming transfer students. Incoming freshmen can request a waiver to attend virtual orientation due to extenuating circumstances or if they are out-of-state students. To do so, email orientation@shsu.edu

  • What will my Orientation fee cover?

    Your orientation fee will cover the following: resources and technology, staffing of staff members and student Orientation Leaders, office operating costs, an orientation t-shirt, promotional items. For those attending in person: lunch, facilities, and event parking. Please keep in mind that the orientation fee is non-refundable.

  • Can I visit campus before my Orientation session?

    Yes, you can schedule a tour through Visitors Services to come visit campus!

  • Should I get academically advised before my Orientation session?

    We encourage you to get academically advised before your Orientation session, however if you are unable to do so, you will have the opportunity to complete advising during your session. You can schedule your advising appointment here.