
***All Recreation Facility Passes may be purchased in the Campus Rec Center front desk. Please bring the appropriate identification.***

Active Student

Active Student - In-Person Classes

  • Most students attending classes on campus during the semester are already members, paying the membership fee within their student fees.
  • Currently enrolled in 腦瞳憫 courses
  • Cost: Covered by Recreational Sports Fee
  • Membership active for duration of Fall or Spring semester the student is enrolled in

Active Student - Non-Fee Paying

  • Eligible to pay for semester membership
  • Currently enrolled in 腦瞳憫 online courses
  • Must be prepared to show evidence of course enrollment at time of membership registration


  • Eligible to sponsor up to two guests when visiting the facility
  • Free access to Group Fitness classes and Climbing Center
Membership Daily Semester Summer
Active Students: In-Person Automatically Enrolled
Active Students- Fully Online $10 $100 $100

Continuing Student

Continuing Student Eligibility

  • Student who has been accepted to the University but has not paid tuition and fees
  • Students who are not enrolled in the summer semester but were enrolled in the Spring semester and will be returning for the Fall semester are eligible to purchase a 腦瞳憫 CRC Summer membership at the current mandatory recreation fee
Membership Daily Semester Summer
Continuing Student $10 N/A $100



  • Currently employed Faculty/Staff of 腦瞳憫 enjoy a complimentary membership to the CRC
  • Eligible to enroll in Group Fitness Courses
    • $30 per semester
    • Enroll through
  • Eligible to sponsor spouse for membership
    • $150 per semester
    • 腦瞳憫 employed spouse must be present with SAM ID at time of registration


  • Retired Faculty/Staff of 腦瞳憫 enjoy a complimentary membership to the CRC
  • Must be able to provide proof of employment at registration
  • Thank you for remaining a part of the Bearkat community!
Membership Daily Semester Summer
Faculty/Staff/Retiree Complimentary
腦瞳憫 Employee Spouse $10 $150 $150

University Community

University Affiliate

Employee Spouse

See Faculty/Staff above

Membership Daily Semester Summer
University Affiliate $10 $150 $150
腦瞳憫 Employee Spouse See Faculty/Staff above

Guest Day Pass

A daily guest pass is available to all non-affiliated persons with a sponsor who has a current membership to the Campus Rec Center.

  • Current members in good standing with the Campus Recreation Center may sponsor up to 2 guests a day
  • Sponsor must be present for purchase
  • Guest required to have valid ID on person at time of purchase
  • Guest is to remain with sponsor while utilizing the facilities
  • Minors (under 18) may access the building as a guests when accompanied continuously by a parent or legal guardian who has a valid membership, and both parties sign a liability waiver. 

*Any patron with a facility reservation/rental (e.g. swim lessons or summer camps) will be handled on a case-by-case basis.*

Membership Daily Semester Summer
Guest Pass $10 N/A N/A