Campus Interviewing Guidelines & Policies (In-Person or Virtual)

Campus Interviewing is an opportunity for you to begin the formal interview process. Each year, numerous employing organizations interview 腦瞳憫 students and alumni for a variety of entry-level positions. These interviews can be in-person or virtual (Zoom or Skype). Typically, employers recruit during the fall and spring semesters to recruit for full-time and often, internship positions. The key to a successful interviewing experience is preparation! Remember these interviews are not practice sessions. In order to better prepare students for interviewing necessary information and policies have been provided. Please read carefully. Should you have any questions, please contact the Career Success Center office at (936) 294-1713.

To participate in the campus interviews process, you:

  • Must be completing a 腦瞳憫 degree or you must be an alumnus of the university.
  • Must read and agree to abide by the Student Guidelines for Participation in the Campus Interviewing Program - remember, we want this to be a positive experience both for you and for our visiting employers! You are also in many ways, an ambassador representing 腦瞳憫 - First impressions count!
  • Must register, create a profile, and upload a resume onto "BEARKATS GET HIRED" (See our sample resumes).
  • Must meet the minimum requirements specified by the employer (major, GPA, graduation date, etc.).
  • Must schedule your own interview time through "BEARKATS GET HIRED" by following the instructions on the website.

Before the Interview

  • Prepare yourself: Think of examples of your skills, abilities, interest, etc. If you feel unprepared for your interview, schedule an appointment to meet with a Career Advisor at Career Success Center or set-up a mock interview.
  • Research the company: Never interview with a company without researching that company first. Materials provided by companies are available in the Career Library. You may also research the companies on the Career Library student computers.
  • Formulate several questions to ask the recruiter: Rehearse these questions in your mind prior to interviewing. Do not carry a list of questions into the interview. Your questions should focus on topics, such as future goals, work environment, training, etc. Never ask question regarding benefits, salary, or fast tracking.
  • Information sessions: Many employers conduct information sessions to inform you about their opportunities. It reflects well on you and the University to attend these functions.

Day of the Interview (in-person or virtual)

  • Arrive at the Career Success Center office 10-15 minutes before your interview time.
  • Check in with the front desk staff when you arrive.
  • Leave any items that you do not want to take into the interview with the front desk staff.
  • Bring additional resumes and copies of your unofficial transcript to your interview.
  • Dress professionally.
  • Virtual Interviews require you prepare your equipment (computer, laptop, internet connection) in advance.
  • Be sure your background looks professional during virtual interviews and dress professionally.
  • Test your virtual set up hours prior to your interview.

After the Interview

  • At the conclusion of the interview, be sure to know how the company will follow-up.
  • Send a thank-you note within 24-48 hours of your interview. View a sample thank-you letter.
  • Contact the Career Success Center when you receive a job offer.
  • Ethical standards require that you withdraw from campus interviews once you have accepted a job offer from an employer.

Cancellation & No-Show Policy

  • If it is necessary to cancel, please do so as far in advance as possible, but no later than 2 working days before the interview. Interview spots are in high demand, and your early cancellation will give other 腦瞳憫 students an opportunity to meet with the employer.
  • If you need to cancel after the sign-up deadline has passed, call (936) 294-1713 or stop by the Career Success Center office. You can also send an e-mail to notify our office.
  • Late Cancellation is any cancellation received on the working day before or on the day of the interview.
  • No-Show is failure to honor a scheduled appointment without prior cancellation.
  • In the case of a late cancellation or no-show, you will forfeit you interviewing privileges until you write a Letter of Explanation to the employer and submit a copy of this letter to the Career Success Center office.