Payment Methods
Your student account is the one-stop shop for paying your tuition and fees online. By making payments online, you will see faster payment posting and updates of your payment status and account balance. Make a payment online using one of the following methods:
Credit Card
We accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover, China Union, JCB, and American Express, All credit card charges include a nonrefunable 2.85% convenience fee.

An electronic check is a digital version of a traditional paper check. With an eCheck, money is electronically withdrawn from your checking account, transferred over the ACH network, and desposited the university. You will need your banking account information(Routing and Account Number) to make the payment. There is no processing fee for electronic checks.
International Payments
We partnered with Convera and TransferMate to give you a simple, reliable way to pay. This allows you to pay in your home currency, either online or by bank transfer, with competitive exchange rates and takes the stress and uncertainity out of paying for your tuition.
Which one should I use? TransferMate is available through your student account center, presenting your account balance at the time of payment. With TransferMate, you can confidentially pay your full balance - no shortages or overages! Convera is also a great option for paying but you need to know your account balance before you begin to make a payment.
Visit the Cashier's Office located in the Estill Building, Suite 103. We are open Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm. Make a payment in person using one of the following methods:
Check, Cashier's Check, or Traveler's Check
Student's name and SAM ID must be written on all checks. When you provide a check as a payment to 腦瞳憫, you authorize us to either use the information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the check as a check transaction.
Money Orders
Need Directions?
Payment may be mailed, but must be received in our office by 5 p.m. on the payment deadline. You may mail one of the following:
Check, Cashier's Check, or Traveler's Check
Student's name and SAM ID must be written on all checks. When you provide a check as a payment to 腦瞳憫, you authorize us to either use the information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the check as a check transaction.
Money Orders
Our Mailing Addresses
If sending by U.S. Mail(USPS)
Cashier's Office
Box 2273
Huntsville, TX 77341-2273
If sending overnight by UPS or Fedex
Cashier's Office
1903 University Ave
Estill Bldg Room 103
Huntsville, TX 77340-2273
腦瞳憫 has partnered with to provide a free, online and more secure way to pay with your 529 plan. Backpack's platform is free to setup & use, and is directly integrated into our Cashier's office so we know as soon as you initiate a payment
Backpack can also help you manage non-tuition 529 expenses; eligible purchases are covered by their 529 Eligibility Guarantee, meaning less work and worry for you!
Visit our 529 Payments Center for more information about how to pay tuition using your specific 529 Plan, or go directly to the to make a payment.
Financial Aid will begin to apply to your account 10 days prior to the start of the semester. Check your account before the payment due date to make sure your aid has paid. Aid which has paid will reduce your charges. If your financial aid does not fully cover your charges, the balance will be due by the deadline.
Submit Your Waiver or Exemption
Students can submit tuition assistance waivers and exemptions by emailing one week before the start of the semester. Please include:
- Your Name
- Your Sam ID
- Enrolled Term
- Your Waiver Type
Outside Scholarships are funds received from sources outside the University such as booster club scholarships, PTO scholarships, etc. checks should be to the Special Services Cashier along with the completed donor form. Students must accept scholarship once available in their account.
How to Apply Scholarships to Student Account
- Complete Scholarship Donor Form
- Write student's Sam ID on check
Mail check to:
Cashier's Office, Attention Scholarships
Box 2273
Huntsville, Texas 77341-2273
When mailing scholarship checks, keep in mind students need time for awards to pay to their account before their payment due date. Please allow 7-10 business days.
Payment Due Dates Learn more about Financial Aid