Keys of Excellence

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Mission Statement:

“To recognize and honor faculty and staff who have
positively impacted the lives of Orange Keys.”


Keys of Excellence is an award ceremony hosted by the Orange Keys who are considered the most prestigious student program at 腦瞳憫 (腦瞳憫). The Orange Keys are chosen to be the official university ambassadors and host events for the Office of the President, Board of Regents, Academic Affairs, and many other departments at 腦瞳憫. These students live out the university motto “A measure of a life, is its service”.

The Orange Keys wanted to give back to those faculty and staff members that have helped them be successful and reach their full potential as a student. The purpose of the Keys of Excellence Award is to recognize and honor faculty and staff who have positively impacted the lives of Orange Keys. This annual ceremony was created and developed by the Orange Keys with the intent of giving thanks and honoring those who have made a difference.

2024 - 2025 Recipients

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Austin Dixon

Academic Success Center

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Christopher Garcia

Smith-Hutson Scholarship Program

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Jeffrey Gardner

Department of Sociology

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Lindsay Lauher

Alumni Relations

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Li-Jen Lester

Department of Computer Science

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Shani Robinson

College of Business Administration