Hey Bearkats! 2025-26 aid offers are in your ! You can find instructions in your ¸£Àû¼§ email!
Where do I Start?
Learn more about .
Have your student apply for and scholarships.
or with your FSA ID and password.
See if you qualify for a .
Learn how to pay tuition and fees at ¸£Àû¼§.
Understand your Parental Access to student financial information.
How do I apply for the Parent PLUS Loan?
The Direct Parent PLUS Loan is an optional credit-based loan used to pay for your dependent student’s educational expenses.
Your student must complete the FAFSA each year beginning October 1st
What Your Student Needs to Do
Submit their FAFSA at
- Complete the online and include ³§±á³§±«â€™s school code - 003606 and be sure to apply for the correct aid year.
- Look for your from the Department of Education.
What We Do
- Starting Mid-November of each year, we begin downloading FAFSA information and review student eligibility for Financial Aid.
Your student must accept the Direct Parent PLUS Loan once they receive their aid notification
What Your Student Needs to Do
Your student must log into their account and accept the Direct Parent PLUS Loan aid offer to process this loan.
What We Do
Wait for the Direct Parent PLUS Loan application; see Step 3.
Apply for the Direct Parent PLUS Loan
What Parent Needs to Do
- On or after April 15th, sign into with your parent FSA ID.
- Hover over the Apply for Aid tab at the top and select Apply for a Parent PLUS Loan
Click on the Start button to begin your Parent PLUS Loan application
- Follow the prompts to complete your Parent PLUS Loan application
- Continue to Step 4 below for what you need to do if your credit is Approved or Denied
- Be sure to review the loan amount requested for the aid year.
- Choose to have the school pay the credit balance (refund) directly to you or to the student.
Check Your Loan Status
What Parent Needs to Do
If Your Credit is Approved
- Log into with your FSA ID and complete Loan Agreement for PLUS Loan (MPN).
- Complete PLUS Credit Counseling, if required by .
- Submit the PLUS Disbursement Authorization form to the Financial Aid Office. This form can be found on your student’s account or at the Financial Aid front desk.
If Your Credit is Denied
- Undecided OR I Will not Pursue the Parent PLUS Loan
- If this option is selected the Financial Aid Office will offer your student an additional unsubsidized loan if their budget allows.
- Pursue an Endorser
- If this option is selected you will need to have your endorser complete the at .
- Appeal Decision
If this option is selected you will complete an at .
What We Do
- Once your loan application is approved, the master promissory note is submitted and the loan counseling (if required) is complete, the federal government sends us the completed loan documents. This typically takes 5-7 business days.
- Once the completed loan documents are received, we begin processing your loan. From Application to Disbursement, Direct Parent PLUS Loan takes approximately 15 business days to process.
Check for Disbursed Funds
What Parent Needs to Do
Complete all previously listed requirements and submit the PLUS Disbursement Authorization form, found on your student’s account or at the Financial Aid front desk, to the Financial Aid Office.
What We Do
- Verify your student’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status is in good standing.
- Verify your student’s enrollment meets disbursement requirements for this aid.
- Disburse the Direct Parent PLUS loan as a credit to your student’s account balance with the ¸£Àû¼§ Cashier’s Office.
- Remaining balances may be disbursed as a refund to you or your student via their Bearkat OneCard preference.
How do I Avoid Common Mistakes?
- Wrong School Year:
- Schools process for two award years simultaneously, so make sure the correct aid year is selected!
- Social Security Numbers:
- If a wrong Social Security number is entered for the student or parent, the school will not be able to match the record to the student.
- Reversed Information:
- If the first and last name are reversed, or if the parent data is entered in the student section, the school will not be able to match the record to the student's account.
- Application must be completed annually:
- Keep in mind the parent loan application is different than the master promissory note and must be completed every year.
- The credit check for the Direct Parent PLUS Loan expires after 180 days.
- MPN Completion Requirement:
- The MPN must only be completed by a first-time borrower one time per 10-year period. The only exception is when an endorser is involved, and the endorser must complete the MPN every year.
Download the PDF How-To Guide
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Parental Access
Educational records are protected by The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). To grant a parent access to personal financial aid information, the student will need to fill out the FERPA release of information form.