Personnel Actions

Personnel Actions are any action taken affecting the status of employment such as hiring, promotion, transfer, or separation. Electronic Personnel Action Forms (EPAFs) are used to document and apply these action to an individual's job record. Human Resources coordinates eligibility and approval while Payroll applies actions to job records.

Submit Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF)

Staff & Hourly Students

Use the forms below to submit personnel actions for staff & hourly students. Staff new hires and staff reclassifications & market adjustments are created by HR.

Grant Funded, Graduate Assistant, and Faculty EPAFs

Use Banner Self-Service through MySam to submit EPAFs for grant funded, graduate assistant, and faculty positions. To guarantee timely application, follow the EPAF Deadlines.

Fix an Error

Federal College Work Study

Email to create EPAFs for positions funded by the Federal College Work Study program.

How to Prepare

Before you start an personnel action, review the following steps.

1. Get Banner Access

You need employment information to efficiently process personnel actions. If you have not already done so, complete online EPAF training in Talent Management and the Banner Access Request form.

2. Secure Funding, if applicable

Departments are responsible for coordinating with their budget director to allocate funding prior to submitting the action. Insufficient funds may result in delays or cancellation of the personnel action.

Financial Planning & Budget

3. Get Approval

Follow appropriate employment procedures to get approval from Human Resources (HR). HR checks for eligibility and accuracy before the personnel action becomes effective.

More about Human Resources

4. Gather Employee & Position Info

You need the following information to submit any personnel action.

  • Employee Name
  • Employee Sam ID
  • Job Position Number
  • Job Position Suffix
  • Effective Date

Use the following forms in Banner to find position numbers

  • NBIPORG to find all positions numbers associated with your department org.
  • NBIPINC to find all employees ever associated with specific position number.
  • NBAJOBS to verify other positions for employee.
  • NBAPOSN to find position definition.

How to Find Position Numbers

5. Gather Action Related Info

  • Hiring

    You need the following to create an EPAF to hire.

    1. Position Title
    2. Citizenship Status
    3. Department Organization Code
    4. Timesheet Routing Organization Code
    5. Job Posting Details (Posting Date & Number)
    6. Pay (Salary or Hourly Rate)
    7. FTE (Salary Positions Only)
    8. Hours Per Day (Hourly Positions Only)
    9. Job End Date (Hourly & Contract Positions)
  • Job Change

    You need the following to change an employee's job.

    1. Reason for Change
    2. Pay (Salary or Hourly Rate)
    3. New Department Organization Code (Department Transfers Only)
    4. New Position Number (Promotions, Reclassification, Department Transfers)
  • One Time Pay

    You need the following to create a one time pay.

    1. Reason for Pay
    2. Work Schedule for Extra Duties
    3. Amount of Pay
  • Separation

    You need the following when an employee exits.

    1. Citizenship Status
    2. Last Day of Work
    3. Termination Reason

6. Submit EPAF

The submission of EPAF varies by position type and even funding source. How to Submit an EPAF


Use the following definitions to help you submit a personnel action.

  • Form Types

    New Hire. Hire an individual that is not currently employed with 腦瞳憫.

    Job Changes. Any change to an employee's position, pay, or funding.

    Additional Job/Stipend. Add additional job duties for staff, hourly students, or hourly staff. Salaried staff will be issued a Stipend, while hourly employees will be given an additional job assignment.

    One Time Pay. Single payment for services or an award.

    End Job. End of employee's job assignment but remains active on payroll or remove employee from 腦瞳憫 employment.

    Affiliate Access. Provide or revoke access to a university email account and login for a non-compensated affiliate.

  • Org Codes

    Timesheet Org. The org number that the department would like the employees timesheet/leave report to route to for approval purposes.

    Department Org. The org number that the department would like the employee's position to be listed under.

    Find Org Number

  • Job Change Type

    Change Funding Source. When department needs to change FOAP(s).

    Department Transfer. When an employee transfers to another department.

    Demotion. A salary reduction and/or title change for a voluntary or involuntary change in assignment to a position that requires decreased responsibility and a lower salary range.

    Increase Pay. When an employee receives a pay increase for any reason. Pay increases may be due to a market adjustment or six month merit increase.

    Promotion. When an employee is promoted to a position of increased responsibility requiring a change of title and having a higher salary range.

    Reclassification. A reclassification occurs when the job duties and/or required qualifications of a position are re-evaluated and the position is assigned a new classification.

  • Increase Pay Reason

    Six Month Merit Increase. A pay increase after six months in the current position. For staff employees, only external hires with either no prior 腦瞳憫 employment history or 30 day break in service.

    Market Adjustment. Pay increase to adjust pay based on the market value of the position.

    Multiple Salary Action. Pay adjustment for multiple reasons.

  • Termination Reason

    At Will Termination. Employment terminated at-will.

    Death. A termination due to the death of an employee.

    Discharged/Dismissal for Cause. Employment terminated for cause.

    Job Abandonment. Employee abandoned job.

    Reduction in Force. An employees termination was due to a decision to reduce the workforce, also known as layoff.

    Resign. An employee terminated voluntarily. See Resignation Reasons.

    Retirement. Employee retired from state employment.

    Transfer to another State Agency. An employee transferred directly to a different state agency or institution of higher education with no break in employment or service. The termination date and hire date will be consecutive dates. In most cases, an employees leave balances upon termination will transfer directly to the employees position at the new agency.

    Unsuitable for Duties. An employee terminated employment voluntarily and the stated reason was that the employee felt unsuited for the assigned duties. This reason may also be used if the stated reason was that the employee disliked the assigned duties.

    Unknown Reason. An employee did not offer a reason for the termination for a voluntary resignation or termination.

  • Resignation Reason

    Dissatisfaction with Supervisor/Coworker. An employee terminated employment voluntarily and the stated reason was dissatisfaction with either the employees supervisor or co-workers.

    Inadequate Salary. An employee terminated employment voluntarily and the stated reason was insufficient wages.

    Lack of Advancement. An employee terminated employment voluntarily and the stated reason was insufficient opportunity for advancement.

    Personal Reasons. The employee voluntarily terminated or resigned and the stated reason was the resignation was due to personal reasons unrelated to the job.

    Travel. An employee terminated employment voluntarily and the stated reason was dissatisfaction with travel, with the job requiring either too much travel or not as much travel as the employee desired.

    Working Hours. An employee terminated employment voluntarily and the stated reason was dissatisfaction with the work hours.

  • FTE

    Full-Time Equivalent or FTE is a unit of measurement that indicates the number of hours worked by an employee in a pay period.

    FTE Description Hours Per Day Hours Per Week Hours Per Pay
    1.00 Full Time 8 40 86.67
    .75 Three-Quarter Time 6 30 65.00
    .50 Half Time 4 20 43.34
    .25 Quarter Time 2 10 21.67

Common Errors

Use the search to find solutions to common errors.

  • Approval Level must be selected first.

    In the Routing Queue section of the EPAF, the left column Approval Level should pre-populate with the levels appropriate to the approval category that you've selected. Please check that an Approval Level has been selected from the drop-down menu for every User ID that you've entered.

  • The Approval Category selected is invalid for this position.

    The incorrect Approval Category was selected.

    Click on the OK button. Return to the New EPAF screen and reenter the employee's ID, the Query Date and select the correct Approval Category from the Drop-Down menu.

  • Base Job cannot begin before the position. Check position dates.

    Contact Payroll if you encounter this error.

  • Base Job record must exist to create a new job.

    This error will occur on EPAF’s for new hires who never worked for the university. When the position number selected for the EPAF does not match the Employee Class Code associated with the position number, the system is unable to assign the correct position number to the EPAF transaction. This difference may occur between work study and non-work study positions

    DELETE or VOID the transaction. Return to the New EPAF screen and create a new transaction selecting the correct Position and/or Suffix for a NEW (Monthly, Biweekly or Student) transaction, if creating a new Position and or Suffix.

  • Begin Date cannot be later than Jobs Effective Date.

    DELETE or VOID the transaction. Return to the New EPAF screen and create a new transaction under correct/current Position/Suffix.

  • Begin Date must equal the first Jobs Detail Effective Date.

    The begin date for the current EPAF and the begin date for the initial job (position/suffix) are different.

    Scroll down to the JOB ASSIGNMENT section and change the Job Begin Date to the original hire date under current value.

  • Cannot be terminated. All jobs have to be ended.

    Employee has multiple positions open that have not ended.

    End jobs need to be processed before a separation can be done.

  • Cannot submit. Person with apply privilege must be the highest level.

    Make sure Final required action is set to Apply. (Approval level is 99 and apply action should always be performed).

  • Contract Begin Date must not be prior to the Base Job Begin Date.

    The date you've entered in the Contract Begin Date field must match the Jobs Effective Date. Please ensure that these match. Also, remember that the Contract Begin Date field should be left blank except in the case of stipend and faculty assignments.

  • Contract End Date must not be later than Base Job End Date.

    The transaction was entered on a Position/Suffix that was already Terminated with a JOB END DATE listed on NBAJOBS for that Position/Suffix.

    DELETE or VOID the transaction. Return to the New EPAF screen and create new transaction under the correct/current Position/Suffix.

  • Contract Start and End Dates must both exist.

    This error indicates that a value has been entered in the Contract Begin Date field, but no Contract End Date has been entered. Remember that Contract Date(s) should only be entered for stipends and Faculty assignments. If you are submitting an EPAF for such an assignment, be sure to enter a Contract End Date. If not, remove the value you've entered in the Contract Begin Date field and leave it blank.

  • Contract Start Date cannot be prior to Position Begin Date.

    Please contact Payroll if you encounter this error.

  • Current hire date must be later than original hire date.

    Ensure that the value you've entered in the Current Hire Date field is not prior to the employee's original date of hire. The Current Hire Date should typically match the Jobs Effective Date in the EPAF.

  • Date cannot be after the Base job end date xx-xx-xxxx.

    The transaction was entered on a Position/Suffix that was already Terminated with a JOB END DATE listed on NBAJOBS for that Position/Suffix.

    Send a request to payroll to remove the termination date from NBAJOBS.

  • Date cannot be prior to the Base Job Begin Date of DD-MON-YYYY.

    There is no assignment posted on NBAJOBS for the Position/Suffix entered on the EPAF transaction.

    If there is a new position transaction in the queue to be applied prior to this EPAF transaction, wait until that transaction shows on the budget side (NBAPOSN) and then submit this transaction. (Call the HR to ensure that this position exists)

    2nd Solution: If the transaction has already been submitted or has the incorrect Position/Suffix, DELETE or VOID the transaction. Then return to the New EPAF screen and create a new transaction under correct/current Position/Suffix.

    The date you've entered in the Contract Begin Date field must match the Jobs Effective Date. Please ensure that these match. Also, remember that the Contract Begin Date field should be left blank except in the case of stipend and faculty assignments.

  • Eff Date must be greater than Last Paid Date of XX- XX-XXXX.

    This error indicates that you are attempting to enact a change in the employee's payroll record with an effective date prior to the last workday for which he/she has been paid. Please submit the EPAF with a current or future Effective Date.

  • End Date must be later than Begin Date.

    If you've entered a Contract End Date, be sure that this date falls after the Contract Begin Date (double-check the year, as this is sometimes overlooked). If this is not the problem, then it is likely that you are using a New Hire approval category for an employee that has previously been given an assignment with the University. If you are submitting a New Hire EPAF, please void or delete the current EPAF and resubmit using the Staff Assignments (- ASN) approval category.

  • First jobs detail effective date must equal the job begin date.

    Employee has not been in this position before.

    Fill in job begin date with the same as the effective date.

  • First Labor Dist Effective Date must equal the Job Begin Date.

    The Query Date you've chosen in Step 1 of the EPAF process cannot follow the Effective Date you have chosen. If the Effective Date of the personnel action is prior to the Query Date that you have chosen, then you will have to VOID the current EPAF and begin another, taking care to ensure that the Query Date is equal to the Effective Date of the EPAF. If the Effective Date is not prior to the Query Date, then you can simply correct the Effective Date above the Labor Distribution (FOAP), save and resubmit.

  • First Name, SSN, Birth Date, Sex Code or Ethnic Code incomplete.

    This error signals that the employee's biographical information has not been completely entered into Banner. Please contact HR if you encounter this error.

  • First Work Date must be less than or equal to Last Work Date.

    This error signals that this employee has previously been terminated as an employee of the University. In order for you to grant this employee a new assignment, Payroll will have to reactivate them as an employee. Please contact Payroll and request that they amend the employee record.

  • I9 Expiration Date not allowed when I9 Form Indicator = Received.

    This error indicates that HR has entered an expiration date for the employee's I‐9 form. Please contact HR and request that the I‐9 expiration date be removed from the PEAEMPL form. After HR has confirmed that this has been done, resubmit the EPAF.

  • ID is not defined as an employee. Establish employee record.

    The user that the individual being appointed has never been defined as an employee in Banner.

    Contact HR as they need to be activated in PEAEMPL.

  • Invalid Action.

    Transaction entered on a Position/Suffix that already has TERMINATION posted on NBAJOBS, so position has JOB END DATE.

    DELETE or VOID the transaction and create a new transaction under the correct or new Position/Suffix.

  • Invalid Date for Jobs Effective Date. Format is MM/DD/YYYY.

    Wrong date format is MM/DD/YYYY. Required format: MM/DD/YYYY

    Identify the date and re-type it in the matching format. Then, Save the EPAF.

  • Invalid Employee Class Code in Employee Information Block.

    The E-Class entered is incorrect.

    Return to the Employee Class Code Field and enter the correct E-Class. Click on the magnifying glass and a popup box should appear with the valid class codes.

  • Job Begin Date cannot be after Employee's Termination Date/ New Effective cannot be after Employee's Termination Date.

    These two Error messages will appear together when the Approval Category to Add an hourly or salary job was used and indicate one of two possible situations

    Solution 1: The student's employee record is at a Terminated status because they have not worked in some time OR the job number and suffix combination is already in use for another job.

    Solution 2: If the student's employee record is at a Terminated status, contact payroll to remove the termination date from NBAJOBS.

    Solution 3: If the position and suffix number combination is already in use for an active job, Void or Delete the EPAF and click on primary job, click next approval type and either the new position number and suffix.

  • Job Detail record must be terminated with effective date = end date.

    The Job End Date field should be left blank. Remove any values from this field, save and resubmit. For a stipend or faculty assignment, the end date of the assignment should be entered in the Contract End Date field.

  • Job Detail record must exist to create a new job.

    This error indicates that you are trying to amend a job that doesn't exist. Unless you are giving the employee a new assignment (job), be sure that you have selected the employee's Active Job in the New EPAF Job Selection screen. When using the SH Staff Stipends (DEFAUL) approval category, you should not enter a new position # and suffix, but rather select the employee's Active Job which will be listed near the bottom of that screen. If you have entered a new position # and suffix, please void your EPAF and begin again, keeping the aforementioned in mind.

  • Job labor distribution total percentages must be exactly 100%.

    Incorrect percentage totals

    Scroll down to the JOB LABOR section. Update the percentage(s) for funding source(s) and/or add additional funding source(s).

  • Labor Distribution Percentage must be between .01 and 100.

    Percent on a Labor FOAP is less than .01 or greater than 100

    Return to the Percent field with the incorrect percentage and enter the correct percent or check the Remove button, if there is a line with .00 percent because that account in no longer valid for the employee, and then resave and resubmit the transaction.

  • Missing Mandatory Citizen Code.

    Citizen code in PPAIDEN is missing.

    Contact HR to update.

  • New Effective date must be after xx-xx-xxxx.

    There is an active position with the same position/suffix assigned to the employee.

    Change the JOB LABOR effective date to a date after the Last Paid Date.

  • New Job Labor Distribution Date should be >= query effective date.

    The Query Date you've chosen in Step 1 of the EPAF process cannot follow the Effective Date you have chosen. If the Effective Date of the personnel action is prior to the Query Date that you have chosen, then you will have to delete the current EPAF and begin another, taking care to ensure that the Query Date is equal to the Effective Date of the EPAF. If the Effective Date is not prior to the Query Date, then you can simply correct the Effective Date above the Labor Distribution (FOAP), save and resubmit.

  • Not a valid active position.

    The Position number for the assignment has been closed or frozen by the Budget Office.

    Check to ensure the correct Position number was entered or selected. If so, contact the budget office to have the position reopened on NBAPOSN. If the Position number is incorrect, DELETE or VOID the transaction and create a new transaction under the correct Position number.

  • Only the job status field may be changed to 'T' on this eff date.

    Effective date is incorrect.

    Contact Payroll for assistance.

  • ORGN Security Access not allowed for originator.

    Originator does not have access to the Home Org listed for the employee on PEAEMPL.

    Contact the department to have a person with that access create the transaction. If no one has access, please request access through PR.

  • Previous deductions invalid for the new Benefit Cat. must be term' d.

    There are deductions still open from the previous E-Class listed on PEAEMPL. This error may happen during the summer months for nine-month faculty.

    Void or DELETE the transaction to ensure you do not change an employee's original appointment. Enter the correct summer position number and suffix. In any other instance, contact with a screenshot of the error message.

  • Regular rate must be filled in for approval type, xxxx.

    Missing info.

    Scroll down to the JOB ASSIGNMENT section and enter an hourly pay rate.

  • Salary Encumbrance cannot be entered/Salary Table, Grade, Group not found on the Salary Table Rule Form/Encumbrance Hrs must be blank if method is not Hours Input

    This is most likely caused by using an incorrect Position Number.

    To view what kind of position number you're using, check NBAPOSN or NBIPORG.

  • Termination Date has to be >= Jobs End date.

    Employee has more than 1 position with the other having ended before this other position EPAF request date.

    Check NBAJOBS and use the most recent end date.

  • The Begin Date and Step must be entered for a new job.

    Locate the Step field in the EPAF and enter the number 0. OR the begin date and Step must be entered for a new job.

    The additional job epaf should be used.

    Void the reactive epaf and originate an additional job epaf.

  • The Fund/Organization/Account/Program code XXXXXX is invalid. Please change.

    The value you've entered in the listed field is invalid. Locate the Labor Distribution (FOAP) section of the EPAF and enter a valid value in the field specified in the error message (e.g., Fund). If you are unsure of what the valid value is, please consult your department's budget manager. Also, be sure that the letter S has been entered in the COA column in the row containing the FOAP for this assignment.

  • The future dated job record must be deleted before ending job.

    A future end date exists for the same position/suffix.

    Contact Payroll to delete the future end date.

  • This employee already has a primary job.

    Employees already have a primary job.

    Scroll down to the JOB ASSIGNMENT section and change the Contract Type to Secondary.

  • Timesheet org must be filled for approval type, xxxx.

    Missing info.

    Scroll down to the JOB ASSIGNMENT section and enter the timesheet org. This is the org tied to the primary timesheet approver.

  • Title must be filled in for approval type.

    Scroll down to the JOB ASSIGNMENT section and enter the title.

  • Transaction Not Allowed - Marital Code must be M or S.

    Marital Status was not entered.

    Return to Marital Status field and select M, Married or S, Single from the drop-down menu and then resave and resubmit the transaction.

  • User ID(s) must be entered for routing que

    Missing info.

    Scroll down to the ROUTING QUEUE. Enter the appropriate Banner IDs for the departmental queues. Click the magnifying glass icon to search (if needed).

  • When Deferred Pay is entered the Factor cannot equal the Pays.

    This error will only appear on faculty hire EPAFs. This means that the job record was last used for a deferred pay position. Originator cannot reactivate this job record with an EPAF until the deferred pay codes are removed from the job record.

    Contact the payroll department for assistance. A second option is to Add another job record with the next available suffix for the position.

No solution found at this time. Contact Payroll for help!


Deadlines allow us to get your personnel actions submitted in time to be applied for desired effective date or pay date. Use these dates when submitting electronic personnel actions forms for non-grant funded staff and hourly students.

Deadline Effective Date Pay Date
Aug 19, 2022 Sept 16, 2022 Sept 15, 2022
Sept 12, 2022 Oct 1, 2022 Oct 3, 2022
Sep 27, 2022 Oct 16, 2022 Oct 17, 2022
Oct 11, 2022 Nov 1, 2022 Nov 1, 2022
Oct 26, 2022 Nov 16, 2022 Nov 15, 2022
Nov 10, 2022 Dec 1, 2022 Dec 1, 2022
Nov 23, 2022 Dec 16, 2022 Dec 15, 2022
Dec 9, 2022 Jan 1, 2023 Jan 3, 2023
Dec 16, 2022 Jan 16, 2023 Jan 17, 2023
Jan 11, 2023 Feb 1, 2023 Feb 1, 2023
Jan 26, 2023 Feb 16, 2023 Feb 15, 2023
Feb 10, 2023 Mar 1, 2023 Mar 1, 2023
Feb 23, 2023 Mar 16, 2023 Mar 15, 2023
Mar 13, 2023 Apr 1, 2023 Apr 3, 2023
Mar 28, 2023 Apr 16, 2023 Apr 17, 2023
Apr 11, 2023 May 1, 2023 May 1, 2023
Apr 25, 2023 May 16, 2023 May 15, 2023
May 10, 2023 Jun 1, 2023 Jun 1, 2023
May 25, 2023 Jun 16, 2023 Jun 15, 2023
Jun 13, 2023 Jul 1, 2023 Jul 3, 2023
Jun 28, 2023 Jul 16, 2023 Jul 17, 2023
Jul 11, 2023 Aug 1, 2023 Aug 1, 2023
Jul 26, 2023 Aug 16, 2023 Aug 15, 2023
Aug 10, 2023 Sep 1, 2023 Sep 1, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • When Are EPAFs Due?

    For grant-funded and/or academic positions, your approving manager must approve the EPAF before the deadline of the desired effective/check date. If the EPAF is approved after the date listed, it will wait until the next pay period.

    View EPAF Deadlines
  • How can I get information about EPAFs I created?

    Use the following steps to find information about your personnel actions.

    1. Access the EPAF Originator Summary section of Banner Self Service menu by clicking on the Employee tab.
    2. From the Electronic Personnel Action Forms tab you can view all past EPAFs under EPAF Originator Summary.
    3. Click on Search tab and input information associated with one of the EPAFs listed and scroll down to view information about who has approved the EPAF, who has the EPAF still waiting in their queue, etc.
  • I'm an Employee and I need to be able to create EPAFs?

    We have a short, required online EPAF Training in Talent Management for users who need access to create EPAF's. Once complete, use the Banner Access Request form to request EPAF access by selecting update for access type, employment for type of screens, then checking EPAF.

  • I'm a Manager and I need to be able to approve EPAFs.

    We have a short, required online EPAF Training in Talent Management for users who need to approve EPAF's. Once complete, use the Banner Access Request form to request EPAF access by selecting update for access type, employment for type of screens, then checking EPAF.

  • How do I set up a proxy?

    Use the following steps to setup a proxy.

    1. Click on Electronic Personnel Action Forms under the Employee tab.
    2. Select EPAF Proxy Records.
    3. Choose what name you would like to add or remove.
    4. Click Save.
  • How do I set up my routing queue?

    Use the following steps to setup your routing queue.

    1. Select the EPAF Originator Summary section of Banner Self Service menu.
    2. Click on Default Routing Queue.
    3. Select the approval category (EPAF type) from drop down list.
    4. Click Go then choose the users for each Approval level with required action.
    5. Click Save.
  • How are college work study (CWS) funded positions processed?
    • Department emails to verify student is eligible.
    • Department submits either a new hire / with approved background check to CWS Or submit an Additional Job EPAF if they are already working for the university.
    • College Work Study positions end every May. Departments need to work with Financial Aid if the eligible employee continues employee during the next fall or spring semester.
    • When an eligible employee exits, request an end job from Financial Aid then submit a separation with the End Job EPAF form above.
  • How do I find position class?

    The first number of each position number indicate the position class.

    Starts With Class
    1 Exempt
    2 Faculty
    3 Exempt
    4 Non-Exempt
    5 Non-Exempt
    6 Non-Exempt
    7 Non-Exempt
    8 Graduate
    9 Hourly Student, Stipends, Overloads, Onetime Pays

No answer found at this time. Contact Payroll for help!