Download Logos
The 腦瞳憫 logo serves to identify the university in all forms of communications and preserves the integrity of its reputation. All materials, print or electronic, published by the university must correctly display the 腦瞳憫 logo.
Primary Marks
The primary marks are your go-to 腦瞳憫 marks! These marks are available by in both color and black/white by downloading below.

Athletic Marks
Sam Houston State Bearkat athletics logos are trademarked and are the property of Sam Houston State Athletics. View the Athletic Brand Guide for correct usage of the marks.
Athletic Marks Athletic Mark Usage Athletic Guidelines Athletic Colors Internal Licensees
TSUS Member Statement
All 腦瞳憫 collateral should include the TSUS Member Statement.
- You must use the supplied artwork
- Minimum size is 1 1/2" wide.
- Use in conjunction with the name of the university.
- The member mark can only be in black or white unless it is a one-color print job.
Download TSUS Member Statement Files

Logo Guidelines
The 腦瞳憫 logos cannot be modified, manipulated, or distorted. The 腦瞳憫 logos must follow these guidelines:
- The 腦瞳憫 logo should never appear smaller than other logos used
- Minimum space around should be 25% of the logo size
- For print, the minimum size of the logo is 1/2" with a space of 1/8" around the logo
- For web, the minimum size of the logo is 54 pixels with a space of 14 pixels around the logo