Book Club
The Alumni Association Book Club is open to ALL alumni!
The Alumni Book Club is an exciting virtual program you can opt into, or out of at anytime. 5 books are selected by vote, by book club members, and read on 10-week reading cycles. If you have 1-2 hours a week to read, you can fit book club into your routine. We partner with PBC Guru to bring you this great program. They have developed a strong criteria for books that provides an engaging and enjoyable experience for all members:
All titles must meet PBC Guru criteria:
• At Least 100 Reviews on Goodreads or Amazon
• At Least a 4.0 Star Rating on Goodreads or Amazon
• Must be available as an eBook and an audiobook, preferably also in hardcover and paperback
• Must have been published no less than six months prior to the start of the suggested reading period
• Provides a mix of titles that cover fiction, general non-fiction/lifelong learning, professional development, social justice, health/wellness and STEM each reading period.
Additionally each year PCB Guru provides 3-4 virtual author talks where you can submit individual questions for a more interactive experience.
PCB Guru allows you the flexibility of opting in or out per book, once you have signed up on the platform, so if you are not interested in a certain reading period or title, you can conveniently opt out of notifications during that period.
We provide the reading community and guidance, you provide your own reading material. To get started all you have to do is create a profile, acquire your book, and join in!
Currently Reading (January - February):
We are currently reading by Amy Attas.
Reading schedule:
Section 1: by January 17th, finish reading through Chapter 4
Section 2: by January 24th, finish reading through Chapter 7
Section 3: by January 31st, finish reading through Chapter 11
Section 4: by February 14th, finish reading through Chapter 15
By February 21st, finish reading the book and join our After the Book forum discussion
Author Talk with Dr. Amy Attas – Wednesday, February 26
Next Reading (March - April):
by Joyce Maynard
You're in great company
Currently there are 415 active 腦瞳憫 Alumni Association Book Club members.
We'd love to hear about your experience
For feedback or questions, please e-mail who oversees alumni benefits.
For book club platform assistance please connect with our designated moderator