Fiscal Year Transition

Departments can now begin entering and submitting FY24 Requisitions in BearKatBuy. The Controller’s Office has now opened the accounting period so departments may prepare requisitions for next fiscal year. 

Budget checking is currently turned off, so requisitions will not route through the approval queues until the actual budget is loaded and Procurement releases requisitions from the Fiscal Year Review workflow after TSUS Board of Regents has approved the FY24 budget in late August and 腦瞳憫 Budget Office has completed loading.  The Purchase Order will be created and distributed once all approvals are complete.


  1. Change Accounting Date. When requesting goods and services for FY24, you must change the Accounting Date on the requisition to September 1, 2023 or later.  BearKatBuy and Banner select the fiscal year budget period based on the accounting date. Failure to do so will instruct the system to pull from your current year budget (FY23). 

    To change the accounting date on your requisition:
    1. Go the Summary Tab at the top of your cart.
    2. Go to Billing; choose pencil icon to edit.
    3. In the Accounting Date field under Billing Options, manually enter 09/01/2023 or utilize the calendar button to select 09/01/2023.
    4. Save
    5. Submit Requisition

    Select pencil icon to the right of Billing in the Requisition screen

    Use the calendar to select a later date
  1. Copier Lease Renewals – Katie Luedke in Procurement will prepare and submit all copier requisitions for existing rentals or leased copiers, as well as requisitions for any new copiers.  Any changes to completed copier POs will need a Change Order Request submitted in BearKatBuy.
  1. Renew Rental/Lease of Equipment, Maintenance, and Services.Yearly rental/lease of equipment, maintenance, and services do not automatically renew each fiscal year.  Departments must submit a new requisition for continuation of these agreements.  Identify any changes from FY23 that are required for the next fiscal year.  Key information to include on the requisition includes FY23 purchase order number, equipment serial number, and the building and room number where the equipment is located.  Attach any renewal reminder notices, maintenance and service agreements/contracts (consult PRE-05 to determine who has signature authority on agreements/contracts) to the BearKatBuy Requisition.
  1. Renew Water Services. NOTE: Beginning with FY24, any water services that will take an 腦瞳憫 purchase order should not be paid with the P-Card.  Some departments only purchase bottled water (account code 731500) while other departments purchase water along with rental of a dispenser (740600), purchase cups (730000) and pay a surcharge (721000).  Please put each one on a separate line on the requisition and include a FOAP and dollar amount for each of the items above, as applicable, to your department's order.
  1. Small parcel delivery services 9-1-2023 and beyond – FedEx Services are available on a State Contract.  Please include the contract number “State of Texas Contract #962-C1” on your requisition along with your FedEx Account # and previous FY PO#.   If you do not have an existing FedEx Account and would like to set one up, please contact or David Guanella at, 1 (469) 939-0578, for assistance in obtaining one.

**Remember you may also utilize the University Post Office (Mail Services) for outgoing U.S. Postal Service deliveries should you choose not to utilize FedEx Services under the State contract.