
What is a Coaching Session?
Coaching sessions are private, confidential sessions in which a student can discuss financial questions and concerns to receive tailored financial education, and collaborate on a unique action plan. We can discuss a wide variety of financial topics with you, depending on what your needs and interests are. The goals of our coaching sessions include: helping students understand their fee statement, assess their financial aid package and refund, reduce their student debt, navigate the process of student loan repayment smoothly, and help students to stay in school.
We do not provide tax assistance, investment advice, or referrals to specific financial institutions.
How to Schedule a Personal Coaching Session
Find the link to "Campus Connect" on your MySam Account
Go to MySam and click your Student tab. Find the link for Campus Connect or
Sign in using your 腦瞳憫 login information

Click "Need to make an appointment? Start here!" Button

Select "Financial Advising"

Select the type of coaching you want

Select the date you want coaching

Select from the available times

Select how you would like to meet

Review and Confirm your appointment
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