
Every member of our community has a role in supporting Title IX and Texas State University System policy. All students, faculty, and staff must complete training to ensure you know your rights and Title IX and TSUS policy violations.

More about Training Requirements

Types of Reporters

Students. Students are highly encouraged but not mandated to report acts of discrimination or harrassment.

Responsible Employee. All university faculty and staff are mandatory reporters for Title IX concerns. Mandatory reporters must report any discrimination, harassment, including sexual harassment or other sex or gender based discrimination, violence or harassment. Reportable concerns are typically verbal and informal and can be about a student, staff, and/or faculty. Failure to report can result in loss of position.

Official with Authority. The Title IX Coordinator or any official of the Component who has authority to institute corrective measures on behalf of the Component.

Confidential Employee. A person designate by the Component to whom students enrolled at the institution may speak confidentially concerning incidents of Sexual Misconduct.

Dos & Don'ts


  • If you are an employee, inform the complainant that you are a mandatory reporter and must file a report with the Office of Title IX & Discrimination Resolution
  • Believe them
  • Provide resources, which are available on our Support Services page.


  • Do not question the complainant
  • Do not investigate

Bystander Intervention

Bystanders are individuals who observe or witness the conditions that perpetuate violence. They are not directly involved but have the choice to intervene, speak up, or report.


  • Pay Attention

    Be alert to things that make you feel uncomfortable. Keep an eye on anything that’s worrying. Don’t ignore the ‘little’ stuff.

    • Signs of sexual pressure, unwanted attention, or disrespect.
    • Someone who is way too drunk.
    • Worried looks.
    • Anyone who seems scared or confused.
  • Decide

    Should someone intervene?

    • Is the situation heading in a bad direction?
    • Does someone need help? If you can, check in with whomever you are aiming to help but if you can’t, trust your instincts.
  • Make a Plan

    Fit your intervention to the situation. Be creative and strategic.

    • Who’s in the best position to act? Call on friends, allies, hosts, authority figures—or do something yourself.
    • When’s the best moment? Now? Later? Do you need time to plan or to organize others?
  • Make it Happen

    Stay calm. Follow your plan. Be ready to get help if you need it.

    • Look for allies. Be alert for others trying to help, too.
    • Start by using the lightest touch you can.
    • Act even if you feel awkward or nervous.


Think small. Small interventions can be the most effective. Use humor and creativity. Act early. Act often.

Offer help. Signal your concern and willingness to act. It’s okay if you are turned down at first or altogether. Simply offering to help changes the dynamics.

De-Escalate. Be calm and respectful. Shift the focus away from the problem.

Think big. Most interventions are small. But some problems are so deeply entrenched that they require sustained action. Find allies and make plans.

Disrupt the situation. Intrude. Make a joke. Change the topic. Spill something. Be a third wheel.

Make space. Separate the person at risk from the source of danger. Set some alternative plan in motion, or create a diversion.

Name the problem. Acknowledging that things aren’t right can go a long way.

Slow things down. Give people time to extricate themselves, if that’s what they want.

Be safe. If you think you are in danger, step back and get help.