What to Report

腦瞳憫 (腦瞳憫 or University) is committed to an educational and work environment that provides equal opportunity and access to all qualified persons. 腦瞳憫 in accordance with applicable federal and state law (including Title VII and Title IX) and institutional values, prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, creed, ancestry, marital status, citizenship, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, veterans status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression in employment, educational programs, activities, and admissions.

A person who believes that he or she has been subjected to any type of discrimination or sexual misconduct should report the incident.

Report Online

Reportable Behaviors

Discrimination. Defined as conduct directed at a specific individual or a group of identifiable individuals that subjects the individual or group to treatment that adversely affects their employment or education because of their race, creed, ancestry, marital status, citizenship, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, veterans status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Harassment. A form of discrimination thats defined as verbal or physical conduct that is directed at an individual or group because of race, creed, ancestry, marital status, citizenship, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, veterans status, sexual orientation, or gender identity when such conduct is sufficiently severe, pervasive, or persistent so as to have the purpose or effect of interfering with an individuals or groups academic or work performance; or of creating a hostile academic or work environment. This conduct can include technology-based communications such as texting, online classroom chats, or social networking sites.

Sexual Misconduct. A type of violence that uses power, control, and/or intimidation to harm another. It includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. It occurs when there is an absence of consent. Consent is a free and clearly given yes, not the absence of a no, and cannot be received when a person is incapacitated by alcohol or drugs.

Types of Misconduct

  • Sex- or Gender-Based Discrimination

    Acts that deny, deprive or limit access on the basis of membership in a protected category.

    Examples of sex and gender-based discrimination in the treatment of students include, but are not limited to:

    • Hazing involving sexual simulation
    • Sexual harassment by a professor
    • Male who is bullied for being too feminine
    • Catcalls and whistles when a student walks across campus
    • Adverse treatment of pregnant students
    • Discouraging women from pursuing certain professions or degrees
    • Inadequate facilities for a particular sex
    • Belittling comments by a professor about men
    • A professor only hires women as Teacher Assistants
  • Sexual Harassment

    Unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive.

    Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:

    • Requesting or pressuring an individual for sexual contact
    • Discussing sexual activities
    • Touching of intimate body parts
    • Commenting on an individuals physical attributes
    • Displaying suggestive drawings, pictures, or written materials
    • Using indecent gestures
    • Unwanted sexual contact including sexual assault
  • Sexual Violence

    All-encompassing, non-legal term that refers to crimes like sexual assault, rape, and sexual abuse.

    Sexual assault. Any sexual act directed against another person, without consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent.

    Rape. The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus, with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. This offense includes the rape of both males and females.

    Fondling. The touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her age or because of his/ her temporary or permanent mental incapacity.

  • Relationship Violence

    Relationship violence encompasses both domestic and dating violence.

    Dating violence. Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the Victim; and where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined by the Victim with consideration of the following factors.

    • the length of the relationship
    • the type of relationship
    • the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship

    Domestic violence. The willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another.

  • Retaliation

    Action (or attempted action) to retaliate or seek retribution against the Reporting Party, Responding Party or any individual or group of individuals involved in the investigation and/or resolution of an allegation of sexual misconduct. Retaliation can be committed by any individual or group of individuals, not just the Reporting Party or Responding Party. Retaliation will be treated as another possible instance of harassment or discrimination.

    Examples of retaliation include, but are not limited to:

    • Demotion or prohibiting advancement due to a filed complaint
    • Firing, loss of benefits, or the like due to a filed complaint
    • Unfair treatment or discrimination due to a filed complaint
    • Humiliating or shaming students in front of classmates
    • Consistently assigning poor grades to one student on objective assignments or projects
  • Hostile Environment

    A situation of discriminatory or sexual nature that has occurred and created an adverse setting. A setting that denies, limits, or interferes with a persons ability to participate in or benefit from a program, activity, or job.

    Examples of creating a hostile environment include, but are not limited to:

    • Bullying, abusive or intimidating comments and actions
    • Intimidating or offensive comments that alter the conditions of a persons work, classroom, team, or program environment
    • Unfair treatment or discrimination due to a filed complaint
    • Continual offensive comments or surroundings of a discriminatory or sexual nature
  • Stalking

    Stalking is defined as repetitive and/or menacing pursuit, following, or interference with the peace and/or safety of an individual(s).

    Examples of stalking behaviors include, but are not limited to:

    • Damaging your property
    • Knowing your class schedule and/or routines
    • Showing up at places you go
    • Sending excessive mail, e-mail, texts and pictures
    • Creating a website about you
    • Sending gifts
    • Stealing things that belong to you
    • Calling you repeatedly
    • Any other actions that the stalker takes to contact, harass, track or frighten you