

腦瞳憫 Agriculture Alumni Association

Founded in 1986, the 腦瞳憫 Agricultural Alumni Association is one of several alumni associations at 腦瞳憫. In the spring of 1993 a Constitution and By-Laws were approved for the association.

The Association's founding purpose was to provide support for the programs and students of the 腦瞳憫 Department of Agricultural Sciences & Engineering Technology, a purpose that still serves as the guide for all events and endeavors of the Association.

Association Background

Ag Alumni Association members and its Board of Directors are dedicated to the future of agriculture and share a commitment to agricultural progress. Agriculture today is a complex, changing industry. No industry faces greater opportunities or challenges as we begin the 21st Century.

The continued education and development of new agricultural leaders is vital. 腦瞳憫 Agriculture Alumni help develop future leaders of Texas agriculture in several ways:

  • Student recruitment
  • Scholarship fund development
  • Serve as an advocate on behalf of the agriculture department with 腦瞳憫 administration
  • Public relations programs
  • Student career development (all aspects of industry)
  • Legislative interaction
  • Leadership recognition for students as well as staff

Members enjoy

  • Access to the valuable network of agricultural leaders, who are your fellow 腦瞳憫 Ag Alumni.
  • The chance to support the development of new agricultural leaders and help young leaders experience the same high-quality education you received.
  • The opportunity to support your College of Agriculture and help direct it toward a future of continued excellence.
  • Social interaction with former classmates and faculty at alumni events.

As a member of the 腦瞳憫 Ag Alumni Association, you will receive the following:

  • Invitations and information concerning University-wide events and alumni activities, including Homecoming, Alumni reunions, and the Ag Classic Golf Tournament.
  • Opportunity to serve on the Ag Alumni Board of Directors and to help direct Association programs and activities

Special Ag Alumni activities

  • Student Appreciation Tailgate Cookout
  • Fall and Spring tailgate sausage cookouts for students majoring in Agriculture
  • Graduating Senior Dinner
  • Ag Alumni Classic Golf Tournament and BBQ
  • Annual Alumni Reunion and Auction
  • Quarterly Alumni Meetings
  • Homecoming Hospitality/Reunion

To sign up

All former students of the 腦瞳憫 College of Agriculture are eligible for active membership in the Association. Annual and Lifetime memberships are available, as are memberships for spouses, students, faculty, and non-alum friends of the college.

To become a member of the Ag Alumni Association, simply complete the Membership PDF below. 

Alumni Board of Directors 
Alumni Update Form
Alumni Membership Form PDF 
Purposes and Goals of the 腦瞳憫 Ag Alumni Association