

Gibbs Ranch

gibbs ranch

The primary mission of the 腦瞳憫 Gibbs Ranch is to serve as a learning laboratory for students enrolled in agricultural sciences at 腦瞳憫. Agriculture is an applied science and the ranch provides the necessary land and animal resources to serve as an integral component of our instructional and research programs. Additional uses of the ranch have or may include the following:

  • Provide attractive and functional facilities that will enhance the public image of the Department and the University
  • Provide a conference center in the former Gibbs family home for a variety of activities, including, but not limited to, departmental retreats, small conferences, student recruitment activities, alumni functions, student activities and various celebrations
  • Provide facilities for public service functions such as FFA Career Development Events, producer field days in collaboration with the Texas Cooperative Extension Service, equipment demonstrations, livestock conditioning/breeding services, breed association seminars, seed company programs, etc.
  • Provide a source of income for the Department of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering Technology and the university through management of timber, wildlife, pasture and livestock enterprises
  • Serve as a training site for the ROTC program
  • Provide resources for conducting agricultural result demonstration projects
  • Provide a location for 腦瞳憫 Rodeo Team practices and maintenance of stock
  • Produce livestock for income generation and as a source of show animals for youth 4-H and FFA members
  • Provide a site for student research projects in biology, chemistry and environmental science

Some current uses of the ranch have not been included in this list and other uses of the ranch are anticipated in the future.

If interested in purchasing ABC Show Steers/heifers or Angus Breeding stock, please contact Dennis Stepp 936-295-3213.

Gibbs Ranch Soil Report (Adobe Acrobat PDF Format)

History and Overview

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