Faculty & Staff Distinctions
腦瞳憫 faculty are leaders in their fields. Whether in teaching, service, or research, they are dedicated to high quality academic excellence, a collaborative learning environment, innovative development in programming and curriculum, and at the core of what they do, student success. These Faculty Distinctions represent the high levels of achievement and recognition our faculty have achieved and demonstrate the high quality of scholarship underway at 腦瞳憫.
Distinguished Professor
Appointment to a Distinguished Professorship is a special honor conferred upon active faculty in recognition of an extended period of service that shall be marked by unusual and exemplary contributions to the University community. These contributions may take the form of teaching, research, service, or a combination of these components. (Academic Policy Statement 860425, Designation of Distinguished Professors)
Name Title Dr. Marcus Boccaccini Distinguished Professor of Psychology Dr. Ronald Daigle Distinguished Professor of Accounting Dr. George Beto Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice Dr. Jim Bexley Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Finance Dr. Harry Bohan Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Education Dr. Alessandro Bonanno Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Sociology Dr. Scott Chapman Distinguished Professor of Mathematics Dr. Julie Combs Distinguished Professor of Educational Leadership Dr. Mary Conroy Distinguished Professor of Psychology Dr. Jerry Cook Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences Dr. Caroline Crimm Distinguished Professor Emeritus of History Dr. Rolando Del Carmen Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice and Criminology Dr. Richard Eglsaer Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychology Dr. Charles Friel Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice Dr. S. Helena Halmari Distinguished Professor of English Dr. Richard Henriksen Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Counselor Education Dr. Larry Hoover Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice and Criminology Dr. Robert Lane Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Sciences Dr. Teresa Lesesne Distinguished Professor of Library Science Dr. William Lutterschmidt Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences Dr. Balasundram Maniam Distinguished Professor of Finance Dr. Joyce McCauley Distinguished Professor of Education Dr. Jimmy Merchant Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Education Dr. Rowland Miller Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychology Dr. James Olson Distinguished Professor of History Dr. Paul Ruffin Distinguished Professor Emeritus of English Dr. Carol Smith Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Music Dr. Victor Sower Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Management Dr. Richard Watts Distinguished Professor of Counselor Education Dr. Pamela Zelbst Distinguished Professor of Management -
TSUS Regents' Professor
Each year, the Board of Regents of the Texas State University System honors professors whose performance and contributions to the educational community have been exemplary. Recipients of the Regents' Professor award maintain this title for the duration of their service within the System. Winners are formally recognized at the November Board of Regents meeting, where they receive a $10,000 award, a commemorative medallion, and a Board of Regents resolution. ()
Name Title Dr. Pamela Zelbst Distinguished Professor of Management, Marketing, & Information Systems Dr. Jim Bexley Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Finance Dr. Alessandro Bonanno Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Sociology Dr. Scott Chapman Distinguished Professor of Mathematics Dr. Jerry Cook Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences Dr. Rolando Del Carmen Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice and Criminology Dr. S. Helena Halmari Distinguished Professor of English Dr. Beverly Irby Professor of Education Dr. William Lutterschmidt Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences Dr. Balasundram Maniam Distinguished Professor of Finance Dr. James Olson Distinguished Professor of History Dr. Paul Ruffin Distinguished Professor Emeritus of English Dr. Richard Watts Distinguished Professor of Counselor Education -
TSUS Regents' Teacher Award
The Board of Regents of the Texas State University System annually recognizes exceptional teachers from TSUS member institutions with the Regents' Teacher Award. Regents' Teachers are selected based on their outstanding performance as educators, contributions to the development of courses, and use of innovative teaching methods, among other criteria. In addition to a commemorative medallion and board resolution, winners receive a $5,000 cash award and maintain the title of Regents' Teacher for the duration of their service within TSUS. ()
Name Title Dr. Andrea Foster Professor of Physics & Astronomy Dr. Mary Petron Professor of Teaching and Learning Dr. Renee James Professor of Physics & Astronomy Dr. William Jasper Professor of Mathematics Education -
Piper Professor
Ten awards of $5,000 each are made annually by the Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation to professors for superior teaching at the college level. Selection is made on the basis of nominations submitted by each college or university in the State of Texas. Begun in 1958, with eight awards, the roster of Piper Professors includes outstanding professors from two and four-year colleges and universities, public and private. ()
Name Title Dr. Caroline Crimm Distinguished Professor Emeritus of History Dr. Rolando Del Carmen Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice and Criminology Dr. Frank Fair Professor of Philosophy Dr. Grace H. Floyd Professor of Education Dr. George Killinger Professor of Sociology Dr. Witold Lukaszewski Professor Emeritus of Political Science Dr. Balasundram Maniam Distinguished Professor of Finance Dr. Joyce McCauley Professor of Education Dr. Rowland Miller Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychology Dr. James Olson Distinguished Professor of History Dr. Mary Park Professor of Elementary Education Dr. Ralph Pease Professor Emeritus of English Dr. Victor Sower Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Management Dr. Fisher Tull Professor of Music -
The President of the University is authorized to bestow the title Professor Emeritus or Associate Professor Emeritus upon a retired member of the faculty or in anticipation of the retirement of a faculty member, effective upon retirement, in recognition of long and outstanding service to the University…based upon high quality service and contributions to the University that clearly demonstrate the individual's worthiness for this honor. Academic Policy Statement 800925, Faculty Retirement and Emeritus Status)
Name Title Dr. Jurg Gerber Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice & Criminology Dr. Roger Abshire Professor Emeritus of Marketing Mr. Harry Ahysen Professor Emeritus of Art Dr. Joel Bass Professor Emeritus of Education Dr. Richard Bello Professor Emeritus of Communication Studies Dr. Walter Bennett Professor Emeritus of Sociology Dr. George Beto Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice Dr. Jim Bexley Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Finance Dr. Robert Biles Professor Emeritus of Political Science Dr. Harry Bohan Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Education Dr. Alessandro Bonanno Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Sociology Dr. Genevieve Brown Professor Emeritus of Education Dr. A. Jerry Bruce Professor Emeritus of Psychology Dr. Rodney Cannon Professor Emeritus of Music Dr. Charles Capps Professor Emeritus of Management Dr. William Carroll Associate Professor Emeritus of Political Science Dr. Brian Chapman Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences Dr. Max Coleman Professor Emeritus of Mathematics Education Ms. Barbara Corbin Professor Emeritus of Music Dr. Richard Cording Professor Emeritus of Philosophy Dr. Lee Courtney Professor Emeritus of English Dr. Caroline Crimm Distinguished Professor Emeritus of History Ms. Kathryn Daniel Professor Emeritus of Music Dr. John de Castro Professor Emeritus of Psychology Dr. Rolando Del Carmen Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice and Criminology Dr. Donna Desforges Professor Emeritus of Psychology Dr. Mary Lynn DeShazo Professor Emeritus of Chemistry Dr. Jerry Dowling Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice and Criminology Dr. Jo Ann Duffy Professor Emeritus of Management Dr. Eddie Dye Professor Emeritus of Vocational Education Dr. Richard Eglsaer Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychology Dr. Donald Freeman Professor Emeritus of Economics Dr. Charles Friel Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice Dr. William Green Professor Emeritus of Economics Dr. Mary Gutermuth Professor Emeritus of French Dr. Hugh Hall Professor Emeritus of Physics Dr. Cecil Hallum Professor Emeritus of Statistics Dr. Marsha Harman Professor Emeritus of Psychology Dr. Sara Hart Professor Emeritus of Business Administration Dr. David Henderson Professor Emeritus of Education Dr. Richard Henriksen Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Counselor Education Dr. Larry Hoover Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice and Criminology Dr. William Hyman Professor Emeritus of Health Ms. Virginia Irvin Professor Emeritus of Music Dr. Mark Klespis Professor Emeritus of Mathematics Education Dr. Frieda Koeninger Professor Emeritus of Spanish Dr. Douglas Krienke Professor Emeritus of English Dr. Robert Lane Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Sciences Dr. James Long Professor Emeritus of Biology Dr. Ross Lovell Professor Emeritus of Management Dr. Witold Lukaszewski Professor Emeritus of Political Science Dr. James Mathis Professor Emeritus of Education Dr. John McCoy Professor Emeritus of Computing Science Dr. Jimmy Merchant Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Education Dr. Rowland Miller Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychology Dr. Janet Mullings Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice and Criminology Dr. Mary Nichter Professor Emeritus of Counselor Education Mr. Dana Nicolay Professor Emeritus of Dance Dr. Richard Norman Professor Emeritus of Chemistry Dr. Gary Oden Professor Emeritus of Kinesiology Dr. Phillip Parotti Professor Emeritus of English Dr. Richard Payne Professor Emeritus of Political Science Dr. Ralph Pease Professor Emeritus of English Dr. Paul Reed Professor Emeritus of Management Dr. Mary Robbins Professor Emeritus of Reading Dr. Paul Ruffin Distinguished Professor Emeritus of English Dr. Rafael Saumell-Munoz Professor Emeritus of World Languages and Cultures Dr. John Schwetman Professor Emeritus of English Dr. Carol Smith Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Music Dr. Victor Sower Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Management Dr. Jack Staggs Professor Emeritus of Education Dr. Anne Stiles Professor Emeritus of Nursing Dr. Newton Strandberg Professor Emeritus of Music Dr. Victor Strecher Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice Dr. Sam Sullivan Professor Emeritus of Education Dr. Philip Swicegood Professor Emeritus of Education Dr. Terry Thibodeaux Professor Emeritus of Communication Studies Dr. James Tiller Professor Emeritus of Geography Dr. Jianzhong Wang Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Statistics Dr. Laverne Warner Professor Emeritus of Education Dr. Richard Watts Distinguished Professor of Counselor Education Dr. Christopher White Associate Professor Emeritus of Mass Communication Dr. C. Allen Williams Professor Emeritus of Geography Dr. Patricia Williams Professor Emeritus of Education Dr. D. Christopher Wilson Professor Emeritus of Psychology Dr. Everett Wilson Professor Emeritus of Biology
Excellence in Teaching
The Excellence in Teaching Award honors a faculty member in a tenured or tenure-track teaching position that has established a consistent pattern of excellence in the classroom and recognizes the highest level of teaching achievement at 腦瞳憫. Faculty members are nominated by the faculty, students, and alumni of the university. Materials submitted by finalists related to curriculum, instructional delivery, teaching methods and philosophy, including in-person or virtual classroom visits are used by the committee to select the final award recipient. The annual recipient receives a $5,000 monetary award and a commendation medal.
Year Name Department 2024 Tamara Cook Biological Sciences 2023 Kandi Tayebi English 2022 Renee James Physics & Astronomy 2020 Paul Eaton Educational Leadership 2019 Paul Child English 2018 Ronny Daigle Accounting 2017 Marcy Beverly Agricultural Sciences 2016 Sheryl Murphy-Manley Musicology 2015 Nancy Baker History 2014 Robert Lane Agricultural Sciences 2013 Joyce McCauley Reading 2012 John Newbold Management, Marketing & Information Systems 2011 Stacy Ulbig Political Science 2010 Kimberly Bell English 2009 Sam Souryal Criminal Justice & Criminology 2008 Balasundram Maniam General Business & Finance 2007 Kenneth Hendrickson History 2006 William Jasper Mathematics and Statistics 2005 Debra Price Language, Literacy and Special Populations 2004 Susannah Bruce History 2003 Valerie Muehsam Economics & International Business 2002 David Gerling Spanish 2001 Jerry Dowling Criminal Justice 2000 David Burris Computer Science 1999 Caroline Crimm History 1998 William Fleming English 1997 Stanley Kelley Agriculture 1996 Victor Sower Management 1995 James Johnson Psychology 1994 Charles Capps III Management 1993 Mary Ann Nolteriek Music 1992 Laverne Warner Education 1991 John Holcombe Political Science 1990 Doug Krienke English 1989 Frank Fair Philosophy 1988 Wayland Pilcher Criminal Justice 1987 William Abbot English 1987 Phillip Parotti English 1986 Gary Bell History 1985 Donald L. Stalling English 1984 Carol Sangster Accounting 1983 Ralph Pease English 1982 John Snelgrove Agriculture 1981 Mary Francis Park Education 1981 Coralie Emmons Physical Education 1980 Frances Elmer Education 1980 Adrian Cooley Physics 1979 Earline Dolive English 1979 Daniel Reeves Mathematics 1978 Gaddis Geeslin Art 1978 Richard Cording Philosophy 1977 Virginia Irvin Music 1977 James Olson History 1976 Mozelle Powell Foreign Languages 1976 Harry Bohan Education 1975 Elizabeth Andrews Education 1974 Thom Murray Education 1973 Rita Huff Accounting 1972 Marcus Rigby Physics 1971 Bill Waldron Psychology 1970 Maynard Yoes Biology -
Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Accomplishments
The Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Accomplishments Award encourages research at all levels within the University Faculty and provides recognition for such performance; determines the criteria by which monetary awards and possibly other forms of recognition are to be given to faculty members who display excellence in research to the University community; and determines the recipients of a $5,000 monetary award for excellence in research to the University community. Members of the committee are not eligible for nomination.
Year Name Department 2024 Jaime Anderson Psychology & Philosophy 2023 Helena Halmari English 2022 Santosh Kumar Economics and Intl Business 2021 William Wells Criminal Justice & Criminology 2020 Gene Theodori Sociology 2019 Aaron Lynne Biological Sciences 2018 Jihong “Solomon” Zhao Criminal Justice & Criminology 2017 Qingzhong Liu Computer Science 2016 Madhusudan Choudary Biological Sciences 2015 Scott Chapman Mathematics 2014 Craig Henderson Psychology 2013 Ilona Petrikovics Chemistry 2012 Richard Watts Counselor Education 2011 Hiranya Nath Economics 2010 Rebecca Robles-Piña Counselor Education 2009 Marcus Boccaccini Psychology and Philosophy 2008 Barry Friedman Physics 2007 Jianzhong Wang Mathematics & Statistics 2006 William Lutterschmidt Biological Sciences 2005 David Marcus Psychology and Philosophy 2004 Sanjay Mehta Management, Marketing & Information Systems 2003 Balasundram Maniam General Business and Finance 2002 Larry Hoover Criminal Justice & Criminology 2001 Vic Sower Management, Marketing & Information Systems 2000 Gan Liang Physics 1999 Beverly Irby Education 1998 Rowland Miller Psychology 1997 Paul Ruffin English 1996 William E. Kilbourne Marketing 1995 Raymond Teske Criminal Justice & Criminology 1994 Fisher Tull Music 1993 Russ Palma Physics 1992 Robert E. Biles Political Science 1991 Robert A. Lane Agriculture 1990 Sam S. Souryal Criminal Justice & Criminology 1989 James Marquart Criminal Justice & Criminology 1988 Jim Olson History 1987 Billy Covington Physics 1986 Rolando del Carmen Criminal Justice & Criminology -
Excellence in Service
The Excellence in Service Award encourages service at all levels within the University Faculty and provides recognition for such performance; determines the criteria by which monetary awards and possibly other forms of recognition are to be given to faculty members who display excellence in service to the University community; and determines the recipients of a $5,000 monetary award for excellence in service to the University community. Members of the committee are not eligible for nomination.
Year Name Department 2024 Maria Botero Psychology & Philosophy 2023 Lisa Brown Teaching & Learning 2022 Madhusudan Choudhary Biological Sciences 2021 Lee Miller Sociology 2020 Pam Zelbst Management, Marketing and Information Systems 2019 Stanley Kelley Agricultural Sciences 2018 Balasundram Maniam General Business & Finance 2017 Tamara Cook Biology 2016 Dwayne Pavelock Agricultural Sciences 2015 Mary Alice Conroy Psychology 2014 Doug Ullrich Agricultural Sciences & Engineering Technology 2013 William Green Economics & International Business 2012 Stacey Edmonson Counselor Education 2011 Sergio Ruiz Music 2010 James Bexley General Business & Finance 2009 Joyce McCauley Language, Literacy and Special Populations 2008 Victor Sower Management, Marketing and Information Systems 2007 Rosanne Keathley Health and Kinesiology 2006 Everett Wilson Biological Sciences 2005 James Olson History 2004 Allan Williams Geography & Geology 2003 Sam Souryal Criminal Justice & Criminology 2002 William Harrell Agriculture 2001 Carol Smith Music 2000 Marie Hayden Library Science 1999 Tom Camfield History 1998 Jimmy Merchant Education 1997 Charles Friel Criminal Justice & Criminology 1996 William Fleming English 1995 Nelson Thornton Marketing 1994 Mary Lynn DeShazo Chemistry 1994 Sara Hart General Business 1993 Paul Reed Management 1992 Frank K. Fair Philosophy 1991 Donald V. Coers English 1990 Alberto Sandoval Education 1989 James Mathis Education 1988 Ruth Cady Health Education 1987 Roy Moss Kinesiology 1986 Virginia Irvin Music -
ACE Award
The David Payne Academic Community Engagement Award honors a faculty member who has achieved excellence in Academic Community Engagement with $5,000 and a commendation medal. Recipients of this award have taught 腦瞳憫 students the value of community engagement and have collaborated with community partners to meet community needs and improve quality of life.
Year Name Department 2024 Magdalena Denham Security Studies 2023 Brandon Strubberg English 2022 Benita Brooks School of Teaching and Learning 2021 Mary Breaux Criminal Justice & Criminology 2020 Linda James School of Nursing 2019 Nancy Stockall School of Teaching & Learning 2018 Edie Wells Art 2017 Jim Dozier Criminal Justice & Criminology 2016 Sanjay Mehta Marketing & Management 2015 Karen Miller Music 2014 Jose Santiago Health & Kinesiology 2013 Diana Nabors Early Childhood Education 2012 Phillip Lyons Security Studies -
Non-Tenure Track Teaching Excellence Award
The Non-Tenure Track Teaching Excellence Award Honors a faculty member in a promotion eligible non-tenure track teaching position. The nominee should have established a consistent pattern of excellence in the classroom and recognizes the highest level of teaching achievement at 腦瞳憫. NTT faculty members can be nominated by the faculty, administration and/or staff. Nominees will be asked to submit a syllabus, a teaching philosophy, a curriculum vita, 腦瞳憫 teaching evaluation scores for two previous academic years, as well as a demonstration of innovative teaching methods. The recipient for the year will receive a $5,000 monetary award and a commendation medal.
Year Name Department 2024 Olga Minich Biological Sciences 2023 Adannaa Alexander Public Health -
CUSA Faculty Achievement Award
Conference USA Faculty Achievement Award winners highlight outstanding faculty members and their dedication to teaching, commitment to advance their respective fields of study through research, and devotion to making a difference through service in their campus communities. The awards program was established by the leagues presidents and chancellors to recognize exceptional contributions in teaching, research, and service.
Year Name Department 2024 Dr. John Strait Professor of Geography
The Academic Affairs Distinguished Staff Awards provide an opportunity to recognize the superior service of staff members in the Division of Academic Affairs at 腦瞳憫. Find out more about the awards and nomination process here.
Rookie Award
The Rookie Award is presented to the recently hired staff member (with three years of service in Academic Affairs or less) who has quickly asserted themselves as passionate, effective, and a go-getter in their respective area.
Year Name 2022 Austin Dixon 2023 Katelyn Conner 2024 Aarianna Longino -
Spirit Award
The Spirit Award is presented to the staff member who is the cheerleader of their area or office who consistently exhibits a positive attitude, initiative, and a can-do outlook as they generously serve faculty, students, and their colleagues.
Year Name 2022 Jennifer Alexander 2023 Kristina Grimes 2024 Kaci Moore -
Loyalty Award
The Loyalty Award is presented to the staff member who has a history of superior service and ongoing commitment to faculty, staff, and students. Candidates must have at least 10 years of service at 腦瞳憫, and at least five of those years within the Division of Academic Affairs.
Year Name 2022 Shellie Armstrong 2023 Doris Pratt 2024 Rhonda Owens -
Leadership Award
The Leadership Award is presented to the staff member who leads others, whether in a formal or informal leadership position, and displays leadership qualities, including exceptional communication, problem solving, integrity, and a desire to help others succeed.
Year Name 2022 Daniel Walker 2023 Lisa Chaddick 2024 Tracy Richardson -
Distinguished Staff Member of the Year
This is the most prestigious award presented by the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. This award honors the staff member who has shown the ability to lead and create a positive, supportive, and motivating work environment. This person consistently makes a positive impact through contribution and commitment to the Universitys core purpose and values. The awardees must have worked in Academic Affairs for at least five years at the time of nomination.
Year Name 2022 Debra McCall 2023 Steven Koether 2024 Taylor Morrison