Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is defined by federal regulations as an “integral part of an established curriculum” related to your program of study. This type of work authorization, granted to students pre-graduation, can take the form of an internship, practicum, clinicals, or student teaching. For graduate students, thesis and dissertation courses taken for course credit can constitute CPT.

To learn more about CPT, including how to apply, please click on the topics below.

  • Types of CPT
    Part-Time CPT
        (Employment for 20 hours or less per week while being enrolled full-time in classes):

        There is no limitation on the length of time you may participate in part-time CPT, but you must enroll for a full-time course load during your CPT in order to maintain lawful F1 status.

    Full-Time CPT
        (Employment for more than 20 hours per week):

          You may participate in full-time CPT only during summer, winter break, or University holidays. The length of time you may participate in full-time CPT is not limited; however, if you participate for twelve months or more, you will not be eligible for Optional Practical Training (OPT).

      CPT work permission is only granted for one semester at a time and for either part-time or full-time. You must repeat this process each semester you plan to work or if you plan to change from part-time to full-time or from full-time to part-time.
  • Eligibility
        You must have been "lawfully enrolled on a full-time basis for one full academic year" to be eligible for CPT. The only exception to this rule is for those enrolled in a graduate program that requires its students to engage in training prior to the completion of one full academic year. Graduate students whose degree programs require immediate participation in CPT may apply at any time.

      The employment (internship, practicum, etc.) must be an integral part of your degree program.
  • Rules and Regulations
        Once the requirements for your program of study have been completed, all CPT must cease. You cannot participate in CPT after completion of your studies. In addition, you must be careful not to continue employment beyond the date authorized on your l-20, unless you apply for and are granted an extension of your permission to work.

      You may only engage in CPT for the specific employer, location, and period approved and recorded by the DSO in SEVIS.
  • How to Apply
    Step 1
    Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor or 
    腦瞳憫 Career Services
         to discuss internship options for your program. Once your internship and employer have been approved by your academic advisor, ask him/her to complete the CPT Certification Form (see below).

    Step 2
     Obtain a job offer letter from the employer that includes the following information:
        • Job title and description
        • Number of hours to be worked each week
        • Beginning and end dates of employment

    Step 3
    Submit the CPT Form to the Global Engagement Center at gec@shsu.edu.  Please make sure that your course instructor and your advisor have completed their section. In addition to the CPT Certification Form, you also need to submit the following documents:
        • Current form I-20
        • Employer letter
        • Your passport and I-94 (Get your more recent I-94 )

    Step 4
    Your international student advisor/DSO will process your CPT request, log your CPT authorization in SEVIS, and print a new I-20 for you. Then, you can begin your internship.