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Study Abroad
Jess Headshot

Jessie Miller

Assistant Director 

of Study Abroad 936.294.3276 Farrington 116C

Brenda Negret - Japan, Summer 2019

Around 200 腦瞳憫 students study abroad every year. Studying abroad can be a daunting process for students but it will also be one of the most memorable, rewarding parts of your Bearkat Experience. Below you can learn more about the steps to study abroad and how you can make your semester abroad happen. Be sure to connect with your 腦瞳憫 Study Abroad Coordinator – we are available to help answer your questions and provide additional support throughout your study abroad experience.

Take the First Steps

Get ready to make the world your campus! The steps below will guide you through the study abroad process from understanding study abroad, to selecting a program, to funding, to the application process.

  • Attend a Study Abroad 101 workshop & create your profile in the Bearkats Abroad Portal
        We recommend attending a Study Abroad 101 workshop before you are advised. All 101 sessions cover the same general information such as types of programs, credit transfer, costs, and financial aid. Come just to listen or ask a few questions. You can find all our events listed

    Students should create a traveler profile in the , powered by Via TRM using your 腦瞳憫 login.
        Some personal data will automatically populate from Banner. After creating a profile, students can answer program matching questions that will identify initial program options to best fit their goals and needs. As you browse programs, click the star to save a programs as a favorite and return to them later.

    Bearkats Abroad Ambassadors
        are also available to talk with interested students. They are an excellent resource for students who are not sure how to decide on a program or who want first-hand information about a particular program or geographical location. Visit the
    Bearkats Abroad Ambassador page
        for contact information for each Ambassador.

        Check out our
    Why Study Abroad page
      to learn more about benefits of study abroad.
  • Start your program search & find classes to fit your degree
        The best fit program for you is very personal. You will want to consider things like your academics, finances, personal commitments and goals, location interests, independence level and the type of experience you would like abroad. Some students will pick a program related to their major and others will choose to explore a new subject area to expand their knowledge and broaden their experiences (often for elective).

    All students going abroad must have a 2.5 - 3.5 腦瞳憫 GPA

        Identify 1-3 programs that would be a good fit for you. This would be a good time to meet with your Academic Advisor to talk about study abroad and how it will affect your degree plan. Some questions to discuss with your Academic Advisor:
        • Are there academic terms that will work particularly well – or not at all – for my experience abroad?
        • Which courses should I take while abroad?
        • How will courses completed abroad apply to my degree requirements?
        • Are there specific degree requirements that I cannot fulfill abroad?

    Need some help?
        Talk with a
    Bearkats Abroad Ambassador
      , or stop by for walk-in advising to ask questions and get help along your journey!
  • Meet with the Study Abroad Coordinator & narrow your search
        Once you have a better idea of what classes you want to take abroad, when you want to go, and what programs might fit you best, schedule an advising meeting with the Study Abroad Coordinator through
    Campus Connect

        To earn course credit while abroad students must follow complete the
    Course Equivalency Form
        (exchange and affiliated programs). All approved forms should be submitted to the Office of International Programs through the

    Do you work late? Do you live far and cannot make an in-person advising session? We can schedule phone or Zoom advising appointments, so please feel free to ask!
  • Apply for your program in the Bearkats Abroad Portal, powered by Via TRM & with your program provider/faculty leader
    Students must apply for their programs through the , powered by Via TRM as well as applying with their program provider and/or partner institution.

        You can find application instructions

        The Office of International Programs application deadlines are listed below. However, programs have different deadlines so make sure you check your programs deadline in the portal. Applications must be received in the
      by the deadlines listed there to be eligible to go abroad.
      • Fall: May1
      • Winter Break: November 1
      • Spring: November 1
      • Summer: February 1
  • Complete required paperwork in the Bearkats Abroad Portal, powered by ViaTRM.
        Once accepted, complete the forms on your

        All students participating in a Study Abroad program are required to have international medical and emergency insurance. For more information, visit our
    Saying Healthy Abroad page
  • Complete mandatory pre-departure orientation
      All students are required to complete the mandatory pre-departure orientation in Blackboard. You will receive an invitation a few months before the start of your program.

      Students are also required to attend an in-person pre-departure meeting held at the end of each semester.

      For additional student resources to best help prepare students to go abroad, please visit our Resources page