About NSE


The National Student Exchange is a study-away opportunity that allows you to take new courses, see new places, make new friends, and enroll in academic options that may not be available on your own campus. You can study for a single term or an academic year at one of nearly 170 NSE member colleges and universities in these locations: the United States, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Full list of NSE's .nselogo-01

Participate in NSE to:

  • broaden your personal and educational perspectives
  • live in and explore new areas
  • learn from different professors
  • experience personal growth
  • explore new areas of study
  • take courses not available on your home campus
  • acquire life skills
  • explore career options
  • investigate graduate schools
  • look for future employment
  • become more independent and resourceful
  • experience life from a different point of view

Nationally, the NSE program places 2,000 to 3,000 students in over 170 colleges and universities each year.

The NSE program offers bilingual language opportunities in the various , including the Universidad del Sagrado Corazon in Puerto Rico.

If you are interested in attending a historically , the NSE program offers many choices.

If you are interested in attending a  (French-speaking), the NSE program offers several choices in Quebec, Canada.

If you are interested in attending a , the NSE program offers several options.