Bearkats Abroad Ambassador

Check out the experiences of our Bearkats during their study abroad experiences! For more pictures and announcements, Follow us on Instagram  !

Meet the Ambassadors

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Zoe Cavasar- Italy

Zoe Cavasar


Lorenzo de Medici International Institute, AIFS Abroad, Fall 2022

Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you pick your program?

For the longest time, I had always wanted to study abroad but never thought that it could be a reality because I didn’t believe I could afford it, was too scared, etc. After my baby brother passed away at the beginning of 2022, I promised myself I would face my fears, chase my dreams, and live a big adventurous life. The next thing I knew, I was flying to Italy to start my semester abroad! I always knew that Florence was my dream study abroad destination because it is known as the capital of the arts, and as an art major (and nerd), I wanted to study in the birthplace of the Renaissance.

What types of courses did you take?

I mainly took art and communication studies courses abroad, but I also took an Italian language class that was useful!

Were there any significant difference taking university courses at an institution abroad in comparison to the US?

Most definitely. The beauty of taking university courses abroad is the hands-on experience you get. From practicing the Italian language at the local market, taking class trips to galleries and museums in my design courses, and networking with community members and officials, the experiences you have in your courses are entirely different than anything I have ever experienced in the US

Was your experience academically rewarding?

Without a doubt, yes! I wish I could have stayed longer!

What was your housing situation? How did this affect your experience?

I lived in a big apartment located about three minutes walking distance from the Duomo, a.k.a. the heart of Florence. It was like something out of a movie! I had four roommates that came from Massachusetts and one from Ohio. Although we were very different and came from different backgrounds, we all got along incredibly, and I consider myself lucky to have been paired with them!

Did you make any new friends?

I made many new friends from around the world and the United States! The friendships I made while abroad are some of my most cherished. We all still stay in close contact and text a bunch. In fact, I will be visiting my friends in Stockholm, Paris, and Madrid later this year!

What values, beliefs, or behaviors did you learn while studying abroad that you plan to continue now that you are home?

Studying abroad helped me to open my eyes to new perspectives, cultures, and ways of thinking. I experienced an incredible amount of growth both academically and personally. After my semester abroad, I have incorporated the values and lessons I learned into my daily life and will continue to travel internationally. I have the travel bug now!

Did you face any culture shock or other challenges while abroad?

Absolutely! No matter where you go, culture shock and challenges are inevitable, so you must embrace them with a positive attitude and outlook on the situation. The European lifestyle is so different from the United States. So, I had to get used to the laid-back nature of my environment, language barriers, and much more. But facing and overcoming those challenges made my experience that much more rewarding!

What was your favorite aspect of your study abroad experience?

I love many aspects of my study abroad experience, but my favorite by far is the inner growth that occurred there.The challenges I faced and the experiences I had during my time studying abroad have made me a stronger and more confident individual. I learned how to fully trust and believe in myself and live in the moment.

What is your advice to prospective Bearkats Abroad?

Go. For. It. It will be one of the best things you will ever do! I cannot recommend studying abroad enough. Not only is it academically rewarding and looks fantastic on your resume, but the personal growth and confidence building that will occur will change your life for the better. Take the leap. You will not regret it!

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Nyva Abraham- Mexico

Nyva Abraham


University of Oaxaca, ARCOS, Summer 2023

Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you pick your program?

I studied abroad for a lot of reasons. I knew I had to take a couple classes in the summer to graduate on track. When looking at my summer school options I came accross a study abroad option. After doing a bit of research I realized that studying abroad would be the better option for summer school. It would also give me a way to learn about a new culture, make new friends and brush up on my spanish.

What types of courses did you take?

During my study abroad I took 2 Spanish classes, Advanced Spanish 1 and 2. In the Spanish 1 class, we focused more on grammar and sentence structures, and in the second class we practiced using the grammar lessons and implementing them in conversations.

Was there any significant difference taking university courses at an institution abroad in comparison to the US?

The biggest difference between my classes abroad compared to my classes at Sam Houston was definitely the amount of people in the classes. There were only 6 people in the class. I really enjoyed the smaller classes because we were able to get more 1 on 1 time with our teachers. There wasn’t a set lesson plan so they were very flexible with what we were learning and how much time we spent on a topic. With the smaller questions I felt more comfortable asking questions as well.

Was your experience academically rewarding?

This experience was 100% academically rewarding! I received A’s in both of my classes. I also learned so much in the few weeks I was there not only about how to speak Spanish but also about Mexican culture.

What was your housing situation? How did this affect your experience?

I had a host family I was staying with. I also had roommates who were staying at the host family’s house with me.It was great not being the only one staying at the house because I had people to eat meals with and walk to school with as well. One of my roommates ahd been staying in Oaxaca since January so she was able to show me and my other roommates around the city.

Did you make any new friends?

I made lots of new friends! My housemates and I hung out almost everyday after class just walking around town and going to different stores and restaurants. A lot of my group was from the University of Houston which is fairly close to Sam Houston so we had quite a bit in common. With there only being 6 people in the class you get really close with your classmates.

What values, beliefs, or behaviors did you learn while studying abroad that you plan to continue now that you are home?

While studying abroad I learned that I have to keep an open mind and put myself out there to enjoy the full study abroad experience. Going out to different places and excursions with the group rather than staying in your homestay. While I was there I had to be more open to trying new foods, going to new places, and asking questions. I will continue to keep an open mind to trying new things anywhere I go.

Did you face any culture shock or other challenges while abroad?

There was a bit of culture shock at first! One of the biggest ones that took me a while to adjust to was the food schedule. In Mexico, lunch is their biggest email of the day compared to dinner in the US. It was a bit of a challenge for my body to get used to that!

What was your favorite aspect of your study abroad experience?

My favorite aspect of studying abroad was definitely staying with a host family. Being able to see how the average family lives on a day to day basis was so educational. I talked to my host parents each day and learned a lot about the cultures and beliefs of Oaxaca.

What is your advice to prospective Bearkats Abroad?

My advice to future bearkats abroad is to DO IT!!! Before I chose to do mine, I had been thinking about it for about 2 years and never really made any plans to actually go.I thought the process of signing up for a study abroad was much harder than it actually was. Finally one day I decided that I really wanted to make this happen so I took action. Just one phone call about general information about studying abroad with the advisors made me realize that this is something that I really wanted to do, and the process was not as hard as I thought it was. The study abroad advisors were extremely helpful throughout the entire process.




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Aurora Gonzalez- England, France, Italy

Aurora Gonzalez

England, France, Italy

Travel Program, AIFS Abroad, Summer 2023

Beard man

Jonas Jablonowski - Germany

Jonas Jablonowski


University of Nevada, USAC, Summer 2023

  • FAQ


    What is a Bearkats Abroad Ambassador?
    • A Bearkat Abroad Ambassador serves as a student liaison between the Bearkat population and the Study Abroad Office. Bearkat Abroad Ambassadors will communicate with the ¸£Àû¼§ community through blog posts. Upon returning to ¸£Àû¼§, students will organize and participate in study abroad programming throughout the upcoming semester.
  • What do Ambassadors do?
    • Be an official student representative for the Study Abroad Office
    • While abroad, write blog posts weekly or take appropriate photos using a ¸£Àû¼§ provided camera. Contribute to our blog and our social media!
    • Upon returning, actively participate in Study Abroad related programs and activities
    • Those duties consist of organizing and participating in study abroad events, tabling in the Frank Parker Plaza, participating in our media campaigns, and talking with students about your personal study abroad journey, and sharing your pictures for our social media accounts!
  • What are the requirements to be an ambassador?
    • Be a current ¸£Àû¼§ student for at least one semester after your study abroad or study away experience (*Study Away Experience locations must be in Puerto Rico, U.S Virgin Islands, Canada, or Guam)
    • Maintain a 2.75 GPA and be in good academic standing
    • Have study abroad experience from any ¸£Àû¼§ study abroad program or National Student Exchange Program (*Study Away Experience locations must be in Puerto Rico, U.S Virgin Islands, Canada, or Guam)
    • Write a personal statement (150 Words)
  • What are the benefits?
    • Develop writing or photography skills
    • Develop public speaking and event organization skills
    • Network with study abroad alumni
    • Study Abroad Polo
    • Graduation Cord
    • Professional Recommendation – Letter upon request
  • When do I apply?
    • Fall: Feb 1 - May 1
    • Winter Break: Sept 1 - Nov 1
    • Spring: May 1 - Nov 1
    • Summer: Nov 1 - Feb 1
  • Where do I apply?
    • Scholarship awarded for Spring 23 and on:
    • All semesters: $2000
    • *$1000 will be given before departure. The other $1000 will be given after one semester of Bearkat Abroad Ambassador work.
    • You may also apply to the ¸£Àû¼§ Study Abroad Scholarship for additional funding.
    • Scholarship in Scholarship4kats

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    Study Abroad
    Jess Headshot

    Jessie Miller

    Assistant Director 

    of Study Abroad 936.294.3276 Farrington 116C