Boot Camps

Dissertation Boot Camp

  • What is Dissertation Boot Camp?

    Dissertation Boot Camp is a free-of-charge, comprehensive two-day program designed to assist doctoral scholars enrolled in any proposal or dissertation course. Services include research, writing, and statistical assistance, along with opportunities to receive individualized guidance. Camp cohort sizes are strategically limited to give campers intentional and focused experiences. 

    Dissertation Boot Camp is an ACCOUNTABILITY and SUPPORT program only. Attendees are expected to have basic knowledge about research, writing, and statistical processes. Please consult with your dissertation chair and/or committee before applying. 

    Accepted campers must be able to commit to BOTH FULL DAYS of camp. Please make timely accommodations with your personal and/or professional schedules before applying to camp. 

  • When are camps held?

    Camps occur near the middle of the fall and spring semesters. Selected students are expected to attend all camp sessions on both days.

  • How are students selected to attend Dissertation Boot Camp?

    Students must be currently enrolled in a 腦瞳憫 doctoral program and submit a completed DBC application. Camp seats are limited and awarded based on need and availability. 

    Accepted campers must be able to commit to BOTH FULL DAYS of camp. Please make timely accommodations with your personal and/or professional schedules before applying to camp. 

  • Camp sessions

    Camp curricula are designed based on the specific and collective needs of selected campers. Each camp’s schedule of events is vastly different from that of the next. Some topics are delivered as whole-group, general sessions, while others are conducted as one-to-one consultations.  

    Below are themes addressed in former camps: 

    Accountability & Time Management 
    Dissertation Committee Relations 
    Dissertation Mapping 
    Formatting and Style Review 
    Institutional Review Board (IRB) 
    Library Resources 
    Literature Reviews 
    Proposal Preparation & Defense 
    Reading, Writing, & Editing Strategies 
    Statistical Programs & Data 


  • Upcoming camps and applications

    SPRING 2025
    Date: Thursday, March 27 and Friday, March 28  
    Time: All day 
    Location: Zoom 

Thesis Boot Camp

  • What is Thesis Boot Camp?

    Thesis Boot Camp is a comprehensive event designed to facilitate master’s students’ research and writing progress. Thesis Boot Camp is currently held over two days and supports scholars in all programs, departments, and academic colleges. Direct services include research, writing, and statistical assistance, along with opportunities to receive individualized guidance. 

  • How are students selected to attend Thesis Boot Camp?

    To attend camp, students must be currently enrolled in a 腦瞳憫 master’s program and submit a completed TBC application. Camp seats are limited and awarded based on need and availability. 

    Accepted campers must be able to commit to BOTH FULL DAYS of camp. Please make timely accommodations with your personal and/or professional schedules before applying to camp. 

  • Important information
    1. Camp will be hosted via Zoom.
    2. Campers must be able to ensure they have reliable internet access.
    3. Campers must be able to commit to BOTH camp days.
  • Upcoming camps and registrations

    SPRING 2025 
    Date: Thursday, March 6 and Friday, March 7
    Time: All Day
    Location: Zoom

Additional Support Services

  • Overview

    We encourage you to attend academic, career and professional development events hosted by the Graduate and Professional School.