Faculty and Staff Resources
If you are a faculty or staff member, you can find forms on this page to help you process paperwork on currently enrolled students.
Faculty and Staff Resources
Graduate Council
Graduate Council is a seventeen-member body that represents various academic colleges in matters relating to graduate study, instruction, and research.
Graduate Council Members
Danielle Boisvert
College of Criminal Justice (COCJ)
Tony Boutte
College of Arts and Media (CAM)
Julie Combs
College of Education (COE)
Shyam Nair
College of Science and Engineering Technology (COSET)
Holly Weimar
Newton Gresham Library (NGL)
Yue Xie
College of Health Sciences (COHS)
Jennifer Bunn
College of Health Sciences (COHS)
Li-Jen Lester
College of Science and Engineering Technology (COSET)
Carroll Nardone
College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)
Courtney West
College of Osteopathic Medicine (COM)
Mia Long Anderson
College of Arts and Media (CAM)
Craig Henderson
College of Humanities
- Graduate Faculty
Members of the graduate faculty must possess a terminal degree in the teaching discipline or a related discipline from an institution accredited by a recognized accrediting agency, demonstrate evidence of currency in the literature of the discipline, be effective educators at the graduate level, and be consistently active in scholarly and/or artistic endeavors. (Academic Policy Statement 801014)
- Alphabetical
- By College and Department
- Graduate Faculty Temporary Appointment Form
- The electronic Graduate Faculty Status Form can be found in Adobe Acrobat Sign.
- Academic Policies & Procedures
- Academic Policy Manual
- 801007 Courses and Grades Transferred from Other Colleges and Universities
- 801014 Graduate Faculty Status
- 850822 Guidelines for Awarding Academic Scholarships
- 890303 Employment of Graduate Assistants
- 900823 Academic Grievance Procedures for Students
- 910312 Academic Probation, Suspension & Termination
- 920808 Ethical Code in Academic Research
- 930129 Graduate Degree Enrollment and Completion Requirements
- 950601 Members Not Employed by 腦瞳憫 Serving on Thesis and Dissertation Committees
- Graduate Catalog
- Program Review
In accordance to the Texas Administrative Code – Rule 2.181, 腦瞳憫 has implemented a review of all graduate programs. A ten-year cycle has been created during which all master’s and doctoral programs will be reviewed. The self-study will report on the outcomes of each review, including the evaluation of the external reviewers and the actions that the institution has taken or will take to improve the program.
- Scholarships
The General Graduate School Scholarship is intended for high-quality students in 腦瞳憫 graduate programs. Applications will be accepted for both new and current students. Please encourage your students to complete the application packet below.
- Transfer of Credit
Graduate courses completed at other accredited colleges and universities may be applied as transfer credit toward a graduate degree at 腦瞳憫 at the discretion of each graduate program and the college in which the program is housed. Please refer to the Graduate Catalog for policies.
- Faculty & Staff Forms
- Graduate Credit for Undergraduate Coursework
- Graduate Faculty