
Catalog Index


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W



Absences: religious holy days
Academic Advisement for Registration: discussed
Academic Calendar
Academic Distinction Program, Department
Academic Fresh Start
Academic good standing: defined
Academic Grievance Procedures for Students
Academic Probation and Suspension
Accounting, Department of
Accounting, MS
Adding and Dropping Courses
Addresses, Correct
Administration (of 腦瞳憫)
Administration, MED
Admission Tests: discussed
Advisement, Academic
Agricultural Sciences, Department of
Agriculture, MS
Alumni Association
Application Fee
Application for a Degree
Art, Department of
Attendance: class


Biological Sciences, Department of
Biology, MA
Biology, MS
Board of Regents, The Texas State University System
Business Administration, College of
Business Administration, MBA
Business Administration-Banking and Financial Institutions, EMBA


Calendar, Academic
Career Services
Change of Schedule (Adding and Dropping Courses)
Chemistry, Department of
Chemistry, MS
Class Attendance
Classification, by Hours Completed: defined
Clinical Psychology, PhD
Collections for Nonpayment
College of Business Administration
College of Criminal Justice
College of Education
College of Fine Arts and Mass Communication
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
College of Sciences
Communication Studies, MA
Computer Science, Department of
Computing and Information Science, MS
Continuing Education
Correspondence Courses
Counseling Center
Counseling, MA
Counseling, MED
Counselor Education, PhD
Course Numbers: defined
Creative Writing, Editing, and Publishing, MFA
Criminal Justice, College of
Criminal Justice, MS
Criminal Justice, PhD
Criminal Justice and Criminology, MA
Criminal Justice Leadership and Management, MS
Curriculum and Instruction, Department of
Curriculum and Instruction, MA
Curriculum and Instruction, MED


Dance, MFA
Dean of Students' Office
Dean's List of Academic Honors
Degree, Second
Degree Requirements and Academic Guidelines
Degrees Offered
Dietetics, MS
Digital Forensics, MS
Dropping Courses
Dual Enrollment


Economics and International Business, Department of
Education, College of
Educational Leadership, EdD
English, Department of
English, MA
Explanation of Fees


Family and Consumer Sciences, Department of
Family and Consumer Sciences, MS
Fees, Explanation of
Fees, Special
Final Examinations
Finance, MS
Financial Aid
Financial Responsibility
Fine Arts and Mass Communication, College of
Foreign Languages, Department of
Forensic Science, MS
Former Students


General Business and Finance, Department of
Geography and Geology, Department of
Geographic Information Systems, MS
Grade Point Average
Grade Points
Grades and Grade Points
Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT)
Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
Graduate Studies
Graduation with Special Recognition
Grievance Procedures for Students, Academic


Health and Kinesiology, Department of
Health Center
Health insurance, student
Health, MA
Higher Education Administration, MA
History, Department of
History, MA
Homeland Security Studies, MS
Housing: see Residence Life
Humanities and Social Sciences, College of


Institutional Research
Instructional Leadership, MA
Instructional Leadership, MED
Instructional Technology, MED
Insurance, Student Health
International Education Fee
International Literacy, MED
International Programs
International Students: admission policy



Kinesiology, MA


Language, Literacy, and Special Populations, Department of
Late Registration Fee
Library Fee
Library Science, Department of
Library Science, MLS
Library, Newton Gresham
Lifetime Learning Tax Credit
Loans, Student: see Student Financial Aid
Lowman Student Center


Major: defined
Management and Marketing, Department of
Marketing: see Management and Marketing Department
Mass Communication, Department of
Mathematics and Tutoring Center
Mathematics and Statistics, Department of
Mathematics, MA
Mathematics, MS
Matriculation Fee
Military Science, Department of
Minimum Residence
Mission Statement
Museum, Sam Houston Memorial
Music, MM
Music, School of


Name Change, Notification
New Student Orientation
Newton Gresham Library


Off Campus Courses
Office of Student Life: See Dean of Students Office
Overload: defined


Parking Permits
Part-Time Student: defined
Payment Information
Personal Review of Educational Potential (PREP)
Personal Standards
Physical Education: see Kinesiology
Physics, Department of
Police, University
Political Science, Department of
Political Science, MA
Press & Copy Center, Sam Houston
Probation, Academic
Psychology and Philosophy, Department of
Psychology, MA
Psychology-Clinical, MA
Psychology-School, SSP
Public Administration, MPA
Public Safety Services, University Police, and Safety Office



Reading, MA
Reading, MED
Reading, EdD
Reading Center
Readmission after Academic Suspension
Recreational Sports and Activities
Recreational Sports Fee
Refund of General Property Deposit: see General Property Deposit
Refund Policy, Tuition and Fees
Regents, Board of
Religious Holy Days
Removal from Academic Probation
Residence Classification for Tuition Purposes
Residence Life
Residence, Minimum
Returned Check Policy


Safety Office
Sam Houston Memorial Museum
Sam Houston Press & Copy Center
Scholarships: see Student Financial Aid
Scholastic Requirements
Sciences, College of
Second Degree
Semester Hour: defined
Sociology, Department of
Sociology, MA
Spanish, MA
Special Education, MA
Special Education, MED
Special Fees
Statistics, MS
Student Absences on Religious Holy Days
Student Advising and Mentoring Center (SAM Center)
Student Center, Lowman
Student Center Fee
Student Employment Information
Student Financial Aid
Student Government Association
Student health insurance
Student Service Fee
Student Services
Students' Legal and Mediation Services
Summer Housing: see Residence Life
Support Services and Activities
Suspension, Academic


Tax Credit
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
Theatre and Dance, Department of
Transfer of academic coursework: discussed

Tuition and Fees
Tuition and Designated Tuition
Tuition and Fees Refund Policy
Tuition and Fees Schedule


University Advancement: see Alumni Relations
University Family Apartments: see Residence Life
University Police


Veterans Assistance Office
Visitor Center


Writing Center

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