
Transfer of Credit

Transfer Information

Transfer Guidelines

The following guidelines and definitions pertain to the Transfer Curricula and Resolution of Transfer Disputes for Lower-Division Courses established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.


The definitions listed below were established by the Coordinating Board and will serve as criteria to resolve disputes. The publications Transfer of Credit Policies and Curricula of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and Community College General Academic Course Guide Manual: A Manual of Approved General Academic Transfer Courses for State Appropriations to Texas Public Community Colleges are the references for this issue: The following criteria for lower-division and upper-division course credit were adopted by the Task Force to Update the Academic Course Guide Manual.

A. Criteria for Lower-Division Course Credit

Lower-Division (Baccalaureate/Associate Degree) Courses
Courses offered in the first two years of college study are generally those which:

  1. Are identified by a majority of public 4-year undergraduate institutions in the state as courses intended to comprise the first two years of collegiate study.
  2. Stress development of disciplinary knowledge and skill at an introductory level.
  3. Include basic principles and verbal, mathematical, and scientific concepts associated with an academic discipline.

B. Criteria for Upper-Division Course Credit

Upper-Division (Baccalaureate) Courses
Courses offered only in the third or fourth years of a baccalaureate program are those which:

  1. Are identified by a majority of public 4-year undergraduate institutions in the state as courses intended to comprise the third and fourth years of postsecondary study.
  2. Involve theoretical or analytical specialization beyond the introductory level.
  3. Require knowledge and skills provided by previous courses for successful performance by students.

C. Free Transferability

Lower-division courses included in the Academic Course Guide Manual and specified in the definition of “Lower-Division Course Credit” shall be freely transferable to and accepted as comparable degree credit by any Texas public institution of higher education where the equivalent course is available for fulfilling baccalaureate degree requirements. It is understood that each Texas institution of higher education may have limitations that invalidate courses after a specific length of time.

For Texas community colleges, these freely transferable courses are identified in the latest revised edition of Coordinating Board publication Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual, (revised 2002). Specifically excluded are courses designated as vocational, English as a Second Language, ESL/ESOL, technical, developmental or remedial, and courses listed as “basic skills.”

For senior four-year institutions, lower-division courses that have the same course content and CIP codes as approved by the Coordinating Board shall bear equivalent credit. Specifically excluded are courses designated as ESL/ESOL, technical and developmental/remedial courses.

Within the spirit of the law it is realized that differences in interpretation of “same course content” may generate disputes.

WECM Courses are designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board as workforce education (technical) courses offered for credit and CEUs (Continuing Education Units). While these courses are designed to transfer among state community colleges, they are not designed to automatically transfer to public four year colleges and universities. For more information, visit

D. Field of Study Curriculum

The Field of Study Curriculum is a set of courses that generally apply toward the lower-division requirements for a baccalaureate degree in a specific academic area at a general academic teaching institution.

E. Core Curriculum

The curriculum in liberal arts, humanities, sciences, and political, social, and cultural history that all undergraduate students of an institution of higher education are required to complete before receiving an academic undergraduate degree.

F. Disputes

Transfer disputes may arise when a lower-division course is not accepted for credit by a Texas institution of higher education. To qualify as a dispute the course(s) in question must be offered by the institution denying the credit (receiving institution), or in the case of upper-level institutions, must be published as a lower-division course accepted for fulfilling lower-level requirements. For community colleges, the course(s) must be listed in the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual, and be offered at the receiving institution. Additionally, the sending institution may challenge the receiving institution’s denial of credit.

Students at 腦瞳憫 who require additional information/clarification regarding Transfer Dispute Resolution Guidelines should contact Undergraduate Admissions, telephone (936) 294-1828.

The University reserves the right to refuse to accept transfer credit when the instructor of record does not meet the requisite academic credentials. Courses taken at community colleges do not satisfy the advanced hours required at 腦瞳憫.


Common Course Numbers

The Texas Common Course Numbering System was developed in part to assist students in identifying which courses at one college will meet specific course requirements at another college. In other words, the common course numbering system promotes the successful transfer of course work among colleges and universities in Texas, making the transfer process easy for students.

The common course number has a standardized four-letter prefix followed by a four-digit number —example, ENGL 1301. The four-letter prefix identifies the subject area. Each digit in the four-digit sequence gives additional information about the course. The first digit identifies the course as either freshman level (1) or sophomore level (2). The second digit identifies the number of credit hours a student will earn upon completion of the course. Most often this digit will be a 1, 2, 3, or 4. The final two digits serve to establish the sequence in which courses are generally taken.

In the course description sections of the catalog, the common course number is shown in brackets —example, [ENGL 1301]. The following is a list of the common course numbers currently adopted by 腦瞳憫. Courses which fulfill one of the General Education Requirements for the Core Curriculum are identified with the letters GE to the right of the 腦瞳憫 course number.

Common Courses
Effective Fall Semester 1996, List Revised November, 2007
ACCT 2301 Principles of Accounting I ACC 231
ACCT 2302 Principles of Accounting II ACC 232
AGRI 1131 The Agriculture Industry AGR 110
AGRI 1307 Agronomy AGR 165
AGRI 1309 Computer in Agriculture AGR 238
AGRI 1319 Introduction to Animal Science AGR 169
AGRI 1327 Poultry Science AGR 260
AGRI 2301 Agricultural Power Units AGR 284
AGRI 2303 Agricultural Construction I AGR 162
AGRI 2317 Introduction to Agricultural Economics AGR 164
AGRI 2321 Livestock Evaluation I AGR 230
ARTS 1301 Art Appreciation ART 160 GE
ARTS 1303 Art History I ART 260 GE
ARTS 1311 Design I ART 161 GE
ARTS 1312 Three-Dimensional Design ART 271
ARTS 1316 Drawing I ART 163 GE
ARTS 2311 Design III ART 265
BCIS 1301 Microcomputer Applications MIS 188 GE
BIOL 1106 Introductory Biology of Cells Laboratory BIO 118
BIOL 1107 Introductory Biology of Organisms Laboratory BIO 119
BIOL 1306 Introductory Biology of Cells BIO 138
BIOL 1307 Introductory Biology of Organisms BIO 139
BIOL 1308 General Biology I BIO 134 GE
BIOL 1108 General Biology I (Lab) BIO 114 GE
BIOL 1311 General Botany BIO 161 GE
BIOL 1111 General Botany (Lab) BIO 111 GE
BIOL 1313 General Zoology BIO 162 GE
BIOL 1113 General Zoology (Lab) BIO 112 GE
BIOL 2401 Anatomy & Physiology I BIO 245 GE
BIOL 2402 Anatomy & Physiology II BIO 246
BIOL 2306 Environmental Biology BIO 137 GE
BIOL 2106 Environmental Biology (Lab) BIO 117 GE
BIOL 2420 Microbiology BIO 247
BUSI 1301 Introduction to Business GBA 181
BUSI 1307 Finance FIN 171
BUSI 2301 Business Law I GBA 281
CHEM 1105 Introduction to Chemistry 1 (Lab) CHM 115 GE
CHEM 1107 Introduction to Chemistry II (Lab) CHM 116 GE
CHEM 1111 General Chemistry I: Laboratory CHM 118 GE
CHEM 1112 General Chemistry II: Laboratory CHM 119 GE
CHEM 1305 Introduction to Chemistry I CHM 135 GE
CHEM 1307 Introduction to Chemistry II CHM 136 GE
CHEM 1311 General Chemistry I CHM 138 GE
CHEM 1312 General Chemistry II CHM 139 GE
CHEM 2123 Organic Chem I (Lab) CHM 218
CHEM 2125 Organic Chem II (Lab) CHM 219
CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry I CHM 238
CHEM 2325 Organic Chemistry II CHM 239
COMM 2303 Audio/Radio Production RTV 264
COMM 2311 News Gathering/Writing I JRN 261
COMM 2339 Writing/Radio/TV/Film RTV 263
COSC 1300 Intro to Computing CS 133 GE
COSC 1401 Microcomputer Applications CS 143 GE
CRIJ 1301 Introduction to Criminal Justice CJ 261
CRIJ 1306 Courts & Criminal Procedures CJ 294
CRIJ 1307 Crime in America CJ 262
CRIJ 1310 Fundamentals of Criminal Law CJ 264
CRIJ 2301 Community Resources in Corrections CJ 274
CRIJ 2313 Correctional Systems & Practices CJ 265
CRIJ 2314 Criminal Investigation CJ 268
CRIJ 2323 Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement CJ 273
CRIJ 2328 Police Systems and Practices CJ 267
DANC 1301 Dance Composition DNC 176 GE
DANC 2303 Dance History DNC 172 GE
DRAM 1310 Introduction to Theatre THR 166 GE
DRAM 1330 Stagecraft I THR 160 GE
DRAM 1341 Makeup THR 230 GE
DRAM 1342 Intro to Costume THR 162
DRAM 1351 Acting I THR 164 GE
DRAM 2336 Voice & Diction THR 231 GE
ECON 1301 Introduction to Economics ECO 230 GE
ECON 2301 Principles I-Macroeconomics ECO 234 GE
ECON 2302 Principles II-Microeconomics ECO 233 GE
ENGL 1301 Composition ENG 164 GE
ENGL 1302 Composition ENG 165 GE
ENGL 2331 World Literature ENG 265 GE
ENGL 2342 Intro to Literature I ENG 266 GE
ENVR 1401 Environmental Science Laboratory ESC 117
ENVR 1401 Environmental Science ESC 137
FREN 1411 Beginning French I FRN 141
FREN 1412 Beginning French II FRN 142
FREN 2311 Intermediate French I FRN 263 GE
FREN 2312 Intermediate French II FRN 264 GE
GEOG 1300 Introduction to Geography GEO 161 GE
GEOG 1301 Physical Geog GEO 131 GE
GEOG 1303 World Regional Geography GEO 265 GE
GEOG 1303 World Reg. Geog. GEO 266 GE
GEOL 1103 General Geology I (Lab) GEL 113 GE
GEOL 1104 General Geology II (Lab) GEL 114 GE
GEOL 1303 General Geology GEL 133 GE
GEOL 1304 General Geology II GEL 134 GE
GERM 1411 Beginning German I GER 141
GERM 1412 Beginning German II GER 142
GERM 2311 Intermediate German I GER 263 GE
GERM 2312 Intermediate German II GER 264 GE
GOVT 2301 American Government I (Combined Federal and State/Including Constitution) POL 261 GE
GOVT 2302 American Government II (Combined Federal and State) POL 285 GE
GOVT 2305 American Government I (Federal) POL 285 GE
GOVT 2306 American Government II (State) POL 261 GE
HIST 1301 U.S. History I HIS 163 GE
HIST 1302 U.S. History II HIS 164 GE
HIST 2311 Western Civilization I HIS 265 GE
HIST 2312 Western Civilization II HIS 266 GE
MATH 1316 Plane Trigonometry MTH 163 GE
MATH 1324 Finite Mathematics MTH 199 GE
MATH 1325 Business Calculus MTH 299
MATH 1332 Mathematics for Liberal Arts I MTH 164 GE
MATH 1342 Elementary Statistics MTH 169
MATH 1350 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I MTH 184 GE
MATH 1351 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II MTH 185 GE
MATH 1342 Statistics STA 169
MATH 2312 Pre Calc/Elem Func MTH 170 GE
MATH 2413 Calculus I MTH 142
MATH 2414 Calculus II MTH 143
MATH 2415 Calculus III MTH 244
MUSI 1101 Fundamentals of Music I (Keyboard) MUS 110X
MUSI 1157 Opera Workshop ENS 119
MUSI 1158 Opera Workshop ENS 119
MUSI 1159 Music Theatre I ENS 219
MUSI 1166 Woodwind Class MUS 113
MUSI 1167 Woodwind Class MUS 116
MUSI 1168 Brass Class MUS 213
MUSI 1181 Class Piano I MUS 111X
MUSI 1182 Class Piano II MUS 112X
MUSI 1211 Harmony & Keyboard I MUS 122
MUSI 1212 Harmony & Keyboard II MUS 123
MUSI 1216 Sight Singing and Ear Training I MUS 124
MUSI 1217 Sight Singing and Ear Training II MUS 125
MUSI 1301 Fund of Music (Keyboard) MUS 161 GE
MUSI 1303 Fundamentals of Music (Guitar) MUS 162
MUSI 1306 Music Appreciation MUS 265 GE
MUSI 1308 Music Literature I MUS 138 GE
MUSI 1310 American Music MUS 264 GE
MUSI 2157 Opera Workshop ENS 119
MUSI 2158 Opera Workshop ENS 119
MUSI 2159 Music Theatre II ENS 219
MUSI 2166 Woodwind Class MUS 116
MUSI 2168 Brass Class MUS 216
MUSI 2181 Class Piano III MUS 113X
MUSI 2182 Class Piano IV MUS 114X
MUSI 2211 Harmony and Keyboard III MUS 222
MUSI 2212 Harmony and Keyboard IV MUS 223
MUSI 2216 Ear Training and Sight Singing III MUS 224
OFAD 2304 Word Processing GBA 260
PHED 1164 Concepts of Phys Fitness KIN 215 GE
PHIL 1301 Introduction PHL 261 GE
PHIL 2303 Intro to Logic PHL 262 GE
PHIL 2306 Intro to Ethics PHL 263 GE
PHYS 1101 College Physics 1 (Lab) PHY 118 GE
PHYS 1102 College Physics II (Lab) PHY 119 GE
PHYS 1105 Elementary Physics I (Lab) PHY 115 GE
PHYS 1107 Elementary Physics II (Lab) PHY 116 GE
PHYS 1111 Introduction to Astronomy I (Lab) PHY 113 GE
PHYS 1301 College Physics I PHY 138 GE
PHYS 1302 College Physics II PHY 139 GE
PHYS 1305 Elementary Physics I PHY 135 GE
PHYS 1307 Elementary Physics II PHY 136 GE
PHYS 1311 Introduction to Astronomy I PHY 133 GE
PHYS 2425 University Physics I PHY 141 GE
PHYS 2426 University Physics II PHY 142
PHYS 2426 Heat, Waves and Modern Physics PHY 245
PSYC 2301 General Psychology PSY 131 GE
PSYC 2315 Psychology of Human Adjust PSY 289 GE
SOCI 1301 Introduction to Sociology SOC 131 GE
SOCI 1306 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 264 GE
SOCI 2319 Minority Studies SOC 168 GE
SPAN 1411 Beginning Spanish I SPN 141
SPAN 1412 Beginning Spanish II SPN 142
SPAN 2311 Intermediate Spanish I SPN 263 GE
SPAN 2312 Intermediate Spanish II SPN 264 GE
SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication COM 131
SPCH 1315 Public Speaking I COM 161
SPCH 1318 Interpersonal Communication COM 286
SPCH 1342 Voice and Diction I COM 162
SPCH 1321 Business and Public Speaking COM 282
SPCH 2335 Argumentation and Debate COM 284
SPCH 2341 Oral Interpretation COM 233

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