Student Services Fee Advisory Committee

Appointed by:  President

Reports to:  
Vice President for Student Affairs

Number of Members:  9

Faculty:  2

Staff:  2

Students:  5

Updated:  September 1, 2024

Nominations for this committee fall outside of the normal Committee Book cycle: Nominees selected each fall by September 15th.

Purpose. Section 54.503, Texas Education Code, as amended, relates to Student Affairs fees at public institution of higher education and provides the definition of "Student Affairs" for this section as activities which are separate and apart from the regularly scheduled academic functions of the institution and directly involve or benefit students, including textbook rentals, recreational activities, health and hospital services, medical services, intramural and intercollegiate athletics, artists and lecture series, cultural entertainment series, debating and oratorical activities, student publications, student government, the student fee advisory committee, student transportation services other than services under Section 54.504 (Incidental Fees), . . and any other student activities and services specifically authorized and approved by the governing board of the institution. The term does not include services for which a fee is charged under another section of this code.

Section 54.5031 provides for the establishment of a Student Fee Advisory Committee at each institution . . . to advise the governing board and administration . . . on the type, amount, and expenditure of compulsory fees for Student Affairs under Section 54.503.

The committee shall:

(1) study the type, amount, and expenditure of a compulsory fee (charged to all enrolled students) under Section 54.503 of this code; and

(2) meet with appropriate administrators of the institution, submit a written report on the study under Subdivision (1) of this subsection, and recommend the type, amount, and expenditure of a compulsory fee to be charged for the next academic year. Each version of the report generated by this committee should go to the President and Vice President for Student Affairs concurrently.

Before recommending the student fee budget to the governing board, the President shall consider the report and recommendations of the committee. If the President's recommendations to the governing board are substantially different from the committee's recommendations to the President, the administration of the institution shall notify the committee not later than the last date on which the committee may request an appearance at the board meeting. On request of a member of the committee, the administration of the institution shall provide the member with a written report of the President's recommendation to the board.

Member Appointments. Committee is composed of nine members.

Students: Five students who are enrolled for not less than 6 SCH are appointed by Student Government Association (SGA), in consultation with the chair of the committee. Student members are notified of their terms of appointment by the University President. Student members who withdraw from school must resign from the committee; SGA appoints replacements, as necessary, in consultation with the Chair of the committee, to fill student vacancies for unexpired term. Three students serve two-year terms and two students serve one-year terms expiring May 31st. 

Faculty/Staff: Four members who are representatives of the entire institution. Two faculty members and two staff members are appointed by the President, with the chair providing faculty nominations. All serve staggered three-year terms expiring August 31st. 

Chair Appointment. Associate Vice President for Student Affairs or Dean of Students serves as the nonvoting Chair.

Committee Members

Nonvoting Chair
Joellen Tipton, Executive Director for Residence Life and Lowman Student Center

Faculty/Staff Members

Term expires August 31, 2026
Michelle Meers, Staff, TRiO Student Support Services
Joshua Gilliland, Faculty, Department of Environmental and Geosciences

Term expires August 31, 2027
William Whitmire, Faculty, Department of English

Student Members

Terms expire May 31, 2025
Jared Scott, Student
Maria Rojas-Caballero, Student
Connor Brett, Student
Ta'Kerria Gipson, Student
Nicole Ivory, Student

To Report Errors
All errors in committee listings should be reported in writing to:
Lila Alvarado