University Assessment Committee
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All of the committees are listed below in alphabetical order.
- Academic Affairs Council
- Academic Calendar Advisory Committee
- Academic Integrity Committee
- Academic Scholarship Committee
- Athletics Advisory Council
- Campus Sustainability Committee
- Commencement Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Development Leave Committee, Faculty
- Distance Education Committee
- Distinguished Lecturer Series Committee
- Distinguished Professor Review Committee
- Evaluation Committee, Faculty
- Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Accomplishments Committee, Faculty
- Excellence in Service Committee, Faculty
- Faculty Teaching Awards Committee
- Homecoming Steering Committee
- Honors College Advisory Committee
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
- Institutional Review Board Committee
- IT/Academic Advisory Committee
- Parking Appeals Committee
- Ring Committee
- Space Management & Utilization Committee
- Staff Excellence Award Committee
- Student Disciplinary Hearing Committee
- Student Services Fee Advisory Committee
- Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) Advisory Committee
- University Assessment Committee
- University Compliance Committee
- University Patent Committee
- Wellness Program Committee
- Women's Advisory Committee, Faculty
- Writing in the Disciplines Committee
Appointed By: Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Reports To: Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Number of Members: 18
Updated: September 1, 2024
Purpose: The committee's purpose is to continually improve the quality of students' education and their higher education experience by focusing on annual programmatic and core curriculum assessment. The committee will discuss issues related to assessment of academic programs, support units, and the THECB's Core Learning Objectives, with a focus on use of the data for continuous improvement. Members will share best practices regarding annual programmatic assessment and meta-assessment processes and collaborate on new ideas to improve assessment practices at 腦瞳憫.
Member Appointments: The Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs appoints all members. The Chair, Co-Chair, and academic college representatives will serve by virtue of position for indefinite terms. Membership includes an Assistant or Associate Dean, or appropriate representative (e.g., Director of Assessment), from each of the academic colleges, who are responsible for assessment activities within their college; an Associate or Assistant Vice President from each division (excluding Academic Affairs); and a representative from the Office of the President. The Director of the Office of Assessment will represent the Division of Academic Affairs. The Senior Vice President or Vice President of each division will nominate one Associate or Assistant Vice President to serve a two-year term. The Deputy to the President will nominate a representative for non-division units that report directly to the Office of the President (e.g., Athletics) to serve a two-year term.
Chair Appointment: The Director of the Office of Assessment serves as Chair of the committee.
Co-Chair Appointment: The Associate Director of the Office of Assessment serves as Co-Chair of the committee.
Ex-Officio: The Assessment Coordinator in the Office of Assessment serves as an ex-officio member. Additional ex-officio membership may include other support staff with assessment as part of their primary responsibilities and reflected in their titles, as requested by the academic colleges or divisions.
Committee Members
Brandi Jones, Office of Assessment
Tama Hamrick, Office of Assessment
Indefinite Term by Virtue of Position
Casey Brown, College of Education
Dusty Jones, College of Science and Engineering Technology
Erin Orrick, College of Criminal Justice
Ron Reed, College of Health Sciences
Leif French, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Michael Henderson, College of Arts and Media
Natalie Hegwood, College of Business Administration
Kevin Kalinowski, College of Osteopathic Medicine
Term Expires August 31, 2026
Josh Reynolds, Office of the President
Kevin Morris, Division of Finance and Operations
Russell Martinez, Division of Integrated Marketing Communications
Kristina Beltran, Division of Strategic Enrollment and Innovation
Rachel Valle, Division of Student Affairs
Leah Mulligan, Division of University Advancement
Rachel Bubela, Office of Assessment
Lori Rodriguez, College of Criminal Justice
To Report Errors
All errors in committee listings should be reported in writing to:
Lila Alvarado